Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Casey James' Birthday!!


On this day in 1982, Casey James came into this world in Plano, Texas!   Today he is 29 years old, and will celebrate his last year in his 20's!!  Although to hear him tell it....(on twitter)....he wants to go back to 27!!  :D  LOL!  I had a hard time with 30, I'm hoping he don't! :)  Anyway, he has spend about half of his life playing guitar and singing and entertaining people with his madd guitar skills and his angelic voice!!  I admit it....I was hooked, the second I heard him sing!!  I was all in.... and in my heart, I knew the minute I heard him sing, that he was going to be successful!  He just had to get his music out there for the masses to hear, and he did just that, when he went on American Idol.  That was the outlet he needed to be heard.....and did we EVER hear him!?!  We heard him loud and clear!!  He was easily read, in that audition.....he wanted this chance....and he wanted it bad!!  And I'm still thankful he made it through that day, because Simon gave a straight up NO!  The girls and Casey did their part to change Randy's mind, and the rest is history!!!   We now get the privilege of supporting him as his career in Country Music takes off!!!  I will predict in less than 3 years, everybody will know the name.....Casey James!!  :)

Thanks to Debra James for sharing these precious pictures of Casey celebrating his 2nd birthday!

As this day was nearing....fans were thinking of ways to celebrate this big day for Casey!   Coming up with some really cool videos and an electronic Birthday Card signed by over 200 fans!!!

First up is a video that was made last year and sent to him, and I just LOVE it!!!  It's so full of fun stuff and the music is perfectly timed with the pictures!!  Here is the Happy Birthday Video from Drew J.  (twistdfrk) last year!!  Thanks girl!!

Up next is the really awesome E-Card Carman W. put together for all the fans to sign and send Casey a special message from them!!!  What a great idea, thanks Carman!  Here is the link if you would like to see the card that was sent to him just a little while ago!!  :)

Casey's Group Birthday Card 

I previously thought a fan had posted Casey's horoscope to  him, but I was mistaken, she just posted it, because she is a Gemini.  My apologies for the mishap.  But Casey is a Gemini as well, and I still thought it was a good idea to post this horoscope on his birthday, even though it wasn't meant for him, when she posted it, so this one's for him.  :)

Gemini May 31 2011

Don't be afraid to look into the future when you think about a romantic relationship. You may be stuck in neutral because you can't escape a fear that something you want to work out will wind up disappointing you. But if you refuse to hope for more, you will never be able to express the love and caring that you so deeply feel - you will never be able to say the words "I love you" with the appropriate conviction. And you, dear Gemini, will miss out on something wonderful. Look ahead with happy anticipation. Something you want to believe in is worthy of your faith.

Sounds like love is in the air.... I guess time will tell....

And last, but certainly not least.....Ana P put together a beautiful tribute to Casey in a breathtaking video!!  Thank you so much for this awesome work!!  I'm sure Casey will love it!!  I read earlier that his momma cried all the way through it!!  And I myself, was not without tears either....thanks again!  It's so beautiful! 

Casey if by some chance you are reading this, I just want to say.....I hope your BIG day is filled with great memories that you can take with you for a lifetime!!  My wish for you, is that this year will be your best year ever, musically speaking.... and you get to see your song or songs, at the top of the charts!!  Much love to you sweet boy.....and God bless.....


It's time for me to turn in for the night, so I'll be back later on.....

Until next time....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Casey James has a Twitter party.....and, a new article!

You read it right!!  Casey, after a long stretch of no twitter parties, has come back for a twitter party with his fans!!  I was on twitter when this happened, but didn't stay very long, because I was falling asleep on my computer!!  He seemed happy, witty and in a good mood!

He started this party off by simply tweeting......"
Anybody up?"
Well of course there are some Casey fans up this time of night!!  Somebody has to keep a watch!!   And then he told us how he was doing! 
"I'm good. Just been reading some of yalls tweets. Thought I would drop by and talk for a bit. So what's new?"
 And, of course that got the ball rolling!!   Everybody who saw the tweet was responding, hoping for a personal shout out from Casey....including yours truly! :)

He goes on to explain..... "well I'm sitting in bed trying to skype with a friend and talking to y'all. All while eating sundried fruit. Yum"
A man after my own heart, I love sun-dried fruit!!  Well.....not as much as I love chocolate..... but.....

Then he talks about his accomplishments in today's technology....."Btw!How high-tech am I!? Skyping and tweeting and whatnot.Two years ago I didn't have Internet or a fancy phone. My how times have changed:)"
I can almost say the same thing!!  Things have changed, for the better, in more ways than one! :)

He then asked a question to us about American Idol 'folk'.....Any knockout performances I should YouTube of this years idol folk? I was at the Motown week(which I thought was good on all counts)well..:)
All I could think of to say was.....no one that holds a candle to you!  I know, a bit cheesy, but it's the truth, the way I see it! :) 

 In response to fans asking about his songwriting and such, he had this to say......
I've written about 60 new songs in the last few months.Trying to whittle it down now.Some are better than others....:)" And......"Yeah I been out of touch lately. Just slamming myself trying to make an awesome cd for y'all.It's gonna be gooood. :)"
And we're all waiting on that finished product! It just has to be mind blowing, I just know it!!  He's promising it will be 'gooood', and I know he's right!!

When a fan asked about his beloved little Basset Hounds, Buster and Daisy, he had this sweet reply....."they are good. Daisy is sleeping on my feet. Buster is right beside me. :)".
Awww, is that sweet or what??  I can just envision that in my mind, and what a sweet and touching picture it would be....

In reply to a fan who asked what fruit he was eating, here's what it was......
cherries, Blueberries, cranberries, plums. Tasty stuff.
Good to know!!  Of course he says there's no food he doesn't like!  I believe that! :D

When asked if he was going to get TV channels anytime soon, he said this......
doubtful. :) maybe the history channel. Oooh and the military channel. And oh oh the discovery channel. Ok...maybe....
Ok, I don't know about anybody else, but it sounds like he has some favorite channels, and,  I think he's thinking about it....eh?

When asked if he knew which song was going to be released and if he had a date, this is his short reply....nope. :).
Ok, I'm a patient person, sometimes, and I'm really exercising that patience now, knowing the end result is going to be well worth the wait!! 

I loved his response to someone asking when the CD would be out......asap. It doesn't take long at all to make a bad cd....;)
I thought that was a very smart response to that question we are all wondering about!!

When asked if he had ever considered cutting his hair and selling it on Ebay, here's what he said about that.....
nope!Haha!But I will definitely cut it at some point and give it to someone who needs it.That's why I grew it out in the first place.
He has said that all along, hasn't he?  What a sweet guy....

When asked if he would be meeting fans on his own tour, he had this to say.....
as much as possible. :)
That is so good to know, coming straight from him!  I love it!!

When a fan asked if it was really him tweeting or a clone, Casey's humorous side came out, much to the delight of everyone!!this is clone 3. The real me is sleeping. The other clone is playing guitar and singing. And one is playing video games. :)
HaHaHa!!!  That was a fabulous answer!!!!  He's got a really good witty side!!!

A fan asked him if he was going to celebrate his birthday in style this year, he once again came across with a cute answer.....I'm going backwards this year. Back to 27. :).
HaHaHa!!  That's funny, because I said the same thing when I turned 25....and as of this date.....let's just say my momma is still a little girl, with no thoughts of me!!!  :)

When someone said to him he should think about a Late Night Sandwich video, he said......
what a great idea!!!I should call bike mike up and we could skype a late night sandwich vid!Hahaha!!Like the good ole days!
Those were some of my favorite moments last summer!!!  I still have all of them saved on YouTube!!!  I hope he does it!!!  And, I'm pretty sure he meant Big Mike, not Bike Mike. lol....but it is funny!!

When one of Casey's Japanese fans told him how she loved his song, "Hold On", he said this to her.....you're part of the world is some of the reason that song was written
Awwww!!!  I just know that made her feel so good!!  Stuff like this is why we all love him so much!  He's so selfless, and caring!!

And with that, after a few more tweets, he sweetly told us all good nite......
Goodnight y'all. Love you all. Talk with ya soon. Glad we got to visit. :)
He's such a kind and caring person!  I love when he has these twitter parties!!

And in other news, theres a new article in the Mineral Wells Index about Casey's upcoming show at Billy Bobs in Fort Worth on July 1st!!  To read the entire story click HERE

Ok, I'm outta here!  It's hot today and seems to be getting hotter, and I just got in a bad mood, so talk to yall soon!  

Until next time....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Show added to Casey James' June schedule, plus....lots of fan talk!

Well, Casey's schedule is getting fuller all the time!!  The newest show just added recently, is in Green Bay WI. on June 11th 2011.   This is a BIG 2 day show with lots of acts leading up to the Headliner....Kenny Chesney!!!  This is Kenny's "Going Coastal Tour" and is being held at Lambeau Field in Green Bay!!  It says you can purchase tickets at Ticketmaster.com  or at the Box Office at the venue or you can also get your tickets by calling 1-800-745-3000.  Wow!!!  This is great news for Casey!!!  So glad he's getting all this exposure to huge crowds of people!!!  More fans coming his way soon, I'm sure!! For more information click>>>HERE

Now we know why he won't be in Nashville on June 11th!  While at the CMA fest, in Nashville, Tn. a lot of his fans were hoping he could stop by our Fan Club Party, hosted by Val Jean Nixa and Nixa Country Radio!  But we were told recently, that Casey would not be in Nashville that day.  :-(  But that's ok, we know he has obligations!  And it's a great time for his fans to get together and meet and get to know one another!!  It's going to be a great time!!
And......he IS performing at the CMA fest on Thursday!  I kept getting conflicting times on when he was performing and now I have a definite time posted by CMA World
  as 3:20 pm on the Lays Stage. 
So if you have plans to go to this annual event in Nashville Tn. with plans to see Casey, this time is confirmed!  

Also, it's a really great idea to create your own schedule, so it makes it easy to get to all the things you want to see and do and get to the artists you want to see perform!!  You can do so at the CMA world website by clicking HERE
!!  Just scroll down just a little and you'll see the link to make your own schedule and print it out to take with you!!
You can also buy your tickets for CMA fest here, if you haven't done so yet!

There's been lots of talk about CMA fest and Casey's Billy Bob's show in Ft. Worth, Tx. coming up July 1st!   Since this is Casey's home, many people are coming out from all over to catch him in his hometown!!  There are people coming from England, New York, Florida, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, and of course LOTS of Texans, to Billy Bobs on July 1st for this Headliner show!!  And there are probably more, that I'm not aware of!!  If so, leave me a comment below and let me know where you are from, if you're coming to the Billy Bob's show!!  I would hate it if I missed anyone!! :-)

I'll close out with a couple of cool pictures of Casey, some time ago, I'm not sure exactly when, but found this 1st one to be a really nice one!

Thanks to Donna Wood for this great shot!

Thanks to ~V~ photography for this different looking photo of Casey, taken sometime during the Homecoming, I believe!

Ok yall, I will be back later.....yall have a wonderful week

Until next time.......

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Shows announced for Casey James, memories, and more...

I think we've all been waiting on when things like this would start happening, and it is!!!  Several new shows have been added to Casey's ever growing summer schedule!!

And before I get started on all the shows....I have some good news!  I called up my favorite DJ, Michelle Rodriguez and asked her if she knew Casey was going to be doing a show at Billy Bob's.  She did not, and was happy to hear the news!  She then told me she would give him a shout-out later in her show!  So I spread the word to stream their station online or listen in if you were local, and hear what she had to say!  Well....a couple of us decided to record it..... :)  Listen closely to the song that is starting to play as she's speaking.....hmmm coincidence??  :)  Click the link below to hear it!!

KSCS Shout out about Casey coming to town 

Big Thanks to @CaroLaughs for making up this link so quick! :)

And now, on to the new shows!!   The show that was added the other day outside Scottsdale, Az. has an important update to be added!!  Seems the radio station, KNIX 102.5 has announced that when you go to ticketmaster to buy your tickets for the show, if you'll put the code KNIX11 in the code box, you can buy tickets now, before they go on sale!!  So, if you're headed to that show, get a jump on this awesome ticket sale!!  For more information click>>>HERE

The day after the Scottsdale show, Casey will be appearing in Albuquerque, N.M. at the Balloon Fiesta Park, for the Freedom Fourth annual 4th of July celebration!  From what I understand, Casey is the headliner at this show!!  This is awesome news!!  He goes on about 8:00pm and will play until 9:15pm!!  Wow, I have to say, that might be the longest I've seen or heard of him playing!!  I guess that's what he gets for being the headliner!!!  :)  I'm so proud for him!!
Directly after his performance, the fireworks show is scheduled to begin!  How appropriate that the fireworks begin after his awesome show!?!  Right now, all the details are not up about the show and how to get tickets, but keep checking back and they should update it soon!  Click on the link above to go to their site!

Ok Casey Canadian Fans, this one's for you!!  Casey is coming to Calgary, Alberta, Canada for the Calgary Stampede on July 15th!!  And I was so surprised and elated to see he's once again, opening for Sugarland!!!!  Yes!!!  This is really good news!!  To get your tickets for this Canadian show, click HERE
Or you can also purchase them from the Ticketmaster website by going HERE It says the show starts at 7:30pm and that's what time he started when he was opening for them before, so I'll take it, that it's the correct time! 
I hope lots of Casey's Canadian Fans get to see him there!!  Yall let me know if you do, and I'll post your pictures and recap for ya!!  :)

Then, it's back to the states with a show in Petaluma, California, at Kodiak Jacks on July 21st!   There's not much else about this show right now, but check back at the sidebar here on the left where I have Upcoming Shows, and click on the link I'll have there and see if they've updated their page with Casey's information.

And the next one is in La Jolla, California on July 23rd, at the Rimac Field. And once again opening for Sugarland!!  The tickets for this show are already on sale, and you can go HERE to Sugarland's website to purchase yours!  He will probably start at 7:30 like always, but if it changes, I'll let yall know!

Next up is a show in Los Angeles at  The Mint on July 28th.  It seems this is a hot spot for a lot of great musicians, past and present, including Stevie Wonder!   Click the link above to read the History of this Club!  Casey goes on at 9:00pm and for ticket information go HERE.

Wow!!  Thats alot of shows to just pop up at one time!!  But I sure am loving every second of it!!!  I want that Upcoming Shows on my sidebar to be full of shows!!  And I have faith, that before long, that will definitely be the case!

As most of yall know, Casey has been writing up a storm since moving to Nashville!  And there's a nice little write-up about his recent collaborations and the names of a few of those new tunes. Thanks to mjsbigblog for this nice find!

NEW Casey James co-writes dug up by our own Windmills:
  • “These Hands” co-written by Casey James and Tom Douglas
  • “Get it Right” co-written by Casey James, Aimee Mayo and Chris Lindsey (Ascap)
  • “I Can’t Leave You Alone” co-written by Casey James, Jim Beavers, and Brett Beavers.
Tom Douglas cowrote “The House That Built Me” with Allen Shamblin, which has swept all the Song Of The Year awards in the country genre the past year. He’s also done a lot of writing for and cowriting with Lady Antebellum (I Run To You) and he’s also co-written with Carrie Underwood this year.
Brett Beavers worked a ton with Dierks Bentley’s first few albums as a cowriter and producer. He’s also producing Sunny Sweeney’s current hit singles and upcoming album. He’s the guy I’ve had my eye on as the best producer for Casey James’ debut (other than T Bone Burnett which is a pipe dream. Jon Randall would also be good and we know Casey’s written with him too).
Jim Beavers has written a lot with Dierks too, and he’s written songs for Billy Currington. He’s got a cut on Brad Paisley’s previous album and he also cowrote the awesome Blake Shelton/Miranda Lambert duet Draggin The River from one of Blake’s EPs last year. – Windmills
Casey’s debut album is set to be released later this year.

As yall know, I haven't talked about American Idol this year, and I didn't vote, but I did have a few favorites from the start.  But since I wasn't voting I felt I had no right to complain about any outcome.  And....for the most part I didn't.  Something happened tonight that I don't think I've ever seen on Idol, I believe it's a first.....the two who made it to the finale, are a boy, Scotty McCreery, 17 from Garner North Carolina.  And the other is a girl, Lauren Alaina, 15, from Rossville, Georgia.  And the "first" I talked about, is that they are both Country Artists....and.....under 18!!  I would have never dreamed that 2 kids would take the top two spots, but they are both very good, and I wish both of them luck next week at the finale.  Either way, we got us a new country artist or two!!  :)

Since this was Homecoming week on Idol, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, so think I'll post a few of Casey's Homecoming pics and stuff!!  Just remembering it has been little more than a year since Casey did the same thing these kids did....and I was right there witnessing most of it.....is just amazing!  I'll have those memories forever and always, and they will always be some of my fondest ever! 

So here are a few pics and a video or two for yall!  Enjoy.....

I've already given credit to the owners of all the above photos, and I'll thank yall again!  Great photos, great memories

And of course, no trip down memory lane would be complete without a couple videos of the best Homecoming ever!!

Blue Sky....this song sung by Casey still gives me uncontrollable chills...
thanks to 1173jm for this beautifully perfect video!!

Ok, yall are gonna think I'm crazy.....but I just found another video from Millsap that I KNOW I have not seen!!  Even though I was there, it was very difficult to hear all the songs he sang, and this one was one of them I couldn't hardly understand....and now....thanks to this video, I can hear it loud and clear!!  The owner has the name of the song as 'Love have a reason', but I think it's "MEANING" by Gaven DeGraw.  So, from the amount of views, I don't think all of Casey's fans have heard this!!!  Take a listen.....it's great!!!!

once again thanks to 1173jm for this awesome video!

Drowning on Dry Land at The Key's Lounge

Wildflower Festival Richardson Texas
I Need Your Love So Bad (only 1/2...sorry)
Thanks to debarndt for this great homecoming video!

Ok, yall....it's past my bedtime, so yall know it's late right now!! :) Take care....

Until next time.....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Time to breathe a sigh of relief.....and more news....

Well, we can all breathe a big sigh of relief....everything went very smooth with PawPaw's funeral!!  No one showed up who wasn't family or friends!!  :)  I was so glad to hear this news moments ago.....and I believed in my heart that Casey's fans could never interupt something so very private and important to Casey and his family!!   I believe his fans love his family and him enough to do the right thing.  So thank you to everyone for supporting this family from a distance, I'm sure it was very appreciated.

The way I found out, was a very nice person posted this message to The Casey E James Fan Club moments ago:

The funeral was beautiful. The preacher had wonderful things to say about Billy James (Pawpaw). First, Casey gave a wonderful eulogy. Then, Billy Cole gave his eulogy. Both boys talked about the high standard their Pawpaw had set for them. Later, Debra and the 4 grandsons, Chad, Billy Cole, Casey and Spence sang and played guitar. The first was a country/ gospel sounding song, second song was Wayfaring Stranger, the next a song inspired by BC's love of his Pawpaw and feeling like he walked on water (not a dry eye in the house). My husband says there was one more of Deb's songs but I can't recall. Mr. James left 2 daughters, Debra and Sherrie,4 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren (the girl was the one Casey sang to, during his last song "Daughters".) What a wonderful tribute to the man who raised BC and Casey!

Thanks very much to Naz Smith for posting this information for all of Casey's Fans!!  We certainly appreciate this news.

Everybody who knows Casey, including his fans, know that he is a very humble, kindhearted and generous guy!  That was never more true to the testiment of the kind of man he is, when, right after the loss of his beloved PawPaw, Casey flew to San Francisco, California to  perform at an Easter Seals Gala, a charity event!!!  I found out about it too late to post it before the show, but I just wanted to say....that must have been the most  difficult thing he'd ever had to do!  I can say with all certainty, that Casey James is one of the 'best' people I've ever seen.   Putting his own hurt on hold, to perform for a charity for someone else.....there's just no other word at this moment.....he's just amazing.  Just another reason we all love him so much!

Another show has popped up, and this one is on July 3rd, at the Salt River Fields, at Talking Stick, Arizona!  (Ya think that's an Indian town name?? lol I'd like to have been in the tee pee when they named that town, lol)   It's located near Scottsdale!  It's an Independence Day Celebration which boasts that it has the BIGGEST fireworks show!!  Along with Casey will be one of his American Idol Tourmates last summer, Crystal Bowersox!!  And the headliner of the show will be newly married Superstar, Blake Shelton!!  That ought to be one heck of a show!!!  I'm pouting because I don't live closer, so I could go!!  But I'm sure we will have Casey Fans out that way who will get lots of pictures and videos for us!!  Tickets go on sale May 23rd at   saltriverfields.com   For more information click  HERE

Ok, well, this is such great news!!  Casey is starting to get some much needed exposure as a BNA recording artist!   Now....if we could just get a release date for that 1st single!!  I am so looking forward to that!!  Back about 6 weeks or so ago, we were told the new single could be breaking out around the middle of May.....well......it's the middle of May, and no single yet.  We just have to be patient and wait until Casey is ready.  I know he will make our wait so well worth it, when that 1st single is released.

I will be back soon, when more news breaks, so until then.....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Update....Please read this!

I have a strong belief that people are good, most people anyway.  I have alot of faith in the human race to assess a situation and do the right thing.  I realize everybody is not going to do that. 
Some people have voiced that there is a possibility that fans or people not known by the family will try to show up at the Funeral for Casey's PawPaw, Bill James.  I strongly urge you to NOT do this!!  This is a very private time in their lives, and they need to grieve the loss of a man who meant the world to them.  It would be a selfish act if someone tried to show up just to get a glimpse of Casey.  The family is asking to respect their privacy at this time.

So I'm asking.....no... begging, for everyone to please abide by the family's wishes, and give them their space, thats the best thing a fan can do for this family now.

Many thanks, and have a good day.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sad days for the James family....and a new show added....

I put this post off, because I really didn't know how to start it.  And I'm still not sure that I do.  My heart is breaking for the entire James family, after suffering the loss of the Patriarch of their family.....Bill James aka PawPaw, on May 11th.  This day also held another significance... it was also the day, seven years ago, that his grandson, Casey, was spared after a horrible motorcycle accident.  The news broke when Debra posted this heartfelt message on twitter:

And later the same day, Casey also posted on twitter:

If you would like to donate, the family has requested they be made to St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital.  You can make that donation in Casey's name, by going HERE

If you would like to send flowers, you can do so by sending them to Whites Funeral Home  101 NE 4th Avenue, Mineral Wells, Texas 76067
The funeral home also has a website, and Bill James is listed on their obituaries list, and the write-up about him is HERE

I know he will be missed by many, but mostly by the James Family.  I hope they find strength to move forward with their lives, remembering all the wisdom, words, and love he shared with them throughout his life.  May God richly bless all the James family at this most difficult time....

I have a couple pictures I'd like to share with all of you.  You can see the love this family has in the group picture.  And I am so glad that he was able to see Casey succeed as a musician/singer.  I know his heart was full of pride for him.

An arrangement has been sent to the Funeral Home, by an anonymous Fan, saying it was from Fans and Friends from around the world.  If you would like to donate a buck or two, just let me know, and I'll take care of it.  But it is not necessary to do so.  Everybody was included.

PawPaw,  may you rest in eternal peace surrounded by the love of God.  You will be missed.....


On a lighter note.....some of Texas Casey Fans have awaited this news, and now it's here!  Casey James is performing at BILLY BOBS TEXAS, in Ft. Worth, Tx!!!  It happens on July 1st 2011, at 10:30pm and the tickets are a mere $16 for reserved seats!!  Tickets go on sale May 23rd at 10am  and you can find out more information at the website above!!  So if you're not from Texas and would like to see Casey on his own home turf, and at this HISTORIC HONKY TONK, this is the time to do it!!!   

DFW.com did a nice write up about it as well!!  Click on the link to read all about it!!  There's also an archived bunch of photos you can look thru, from back when we were all voting for Casey every week!!

I hope many many fans get to come and support him in his hometown!!  I knew it would happen pretty soon, because I said awhile back, that everybody who's anybody will play at Billy Bob's at some point, and usually early on in their career!  And so....here we are!!!   This news could not have come at a better time, with all the sadness surrounding the James family.... We have something awesome to look forward to! :)

If you have any questions or comments, please do so in the comments section at the bottom of this post.  Or you can send me a message on Facebook.

Thanks to all of Casey's fans for all the support given during this time in their lives....

Until next time....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Casey James Tweets, new show added, and CMA fest talk....

Well....hello everybody!   It's been a minute since I've been here!  I just didn't have alot to say, and still don't, but a little bit is better than nothing! :)
I hope all the mothers out there had fabulous Mothers Day on Sunday!  Mine was just quiet.  It's not one of my favorite holidays, but I deal with it.  
Then, Casey tweets all the mothers out there!! :)

Casey Everett James

Happy Momma's Day! Make it a good one. ;)
Now ain't that just too sweet??  I'm sure 'nuf loving that!!  I'm sure he missed his mom on Mother's Day, unless he was home.  He moves around pretty quickly....he can sneak on in to Ft. Worth without a lot of attention.   He probably just needs a break from time to time....with absolutely nothing to do, but rest!  No cell phones, no computers....yea, I'd say he needs that. :)  So I hope he got to sneak into town and see his momma!

On to other things....It looks as though Casey has been added to the lineup at the California State Fair in Sacramento, Ca., and Casey is scheduled for Sunday, July 24th.  Don't know what time though.  The tickets are only $10 bucks for reserved with paid fair addmission.  If you don't want reserved, then the concerts are free!  But if I know Casey's fans, they are going to want to be as close to the stage as possible!!   I hope lots of California Fans get to go!  Click on the link above, for more information about it!

At a place on the web, hollywoodmemorabilia.com you can buy a really nice guitar with the Casey James autograph right on it!  Click on the link to check it out!

There's been more changes at Facebook.  All the older pages were being archived, and the Casey E James Fan Club has been updated and has  a different  look about it, but we'll get accustomed to it.  If you're not a member of this cool page, that was started right after the 'cougar term' came out on Idol, over a year ago, please, go be a part of an interesting, sometimes hilarious, and always supportive, Fan page for Casey.  Just click on the link above!  Kudos going out to Mickey Fay for an awesome job of creating and maintaining this page, and bringing so much heart to it!  Anybody can join, so if you are not already a  part of it, go ahead and be a part of something wonderful!!

I think it's high time for some 'Mr. Pretty....' as Michael Lynch preferred to call him last year, while all the idols were on tour.


Thanks to all the fans and American Idol for all the above shots!  These are from my archive here at Caseymania, so permission has already been granted at an earlier date, for these shots! :)

The Herald Tribune did a "best and worst dressed", of  the stars at the Academy of Country Music, that was held in Las Vegas last month.  Casey was praised for his sense of style on the red carpet, as he landed on the "BEST" dressed list!!!  And I also wholeheartedly agree with them....he looked so dapper in his dressy duds!!  Read all about it HERE.
What do yall think??  Best dressed??  oh yea....no doubt about it!!!  Congrats Casey, for making the list!!


There's a new page at Facebook.  It was started by Carman W. to talk about all the CMA fest things!!  So if you are going, or just want to get in on the conversations, go join up with the page here>>>>CMA Fest 2011Thanks Carman!

Somebody finally put together a good read for 'cma fest virgins'.....yep, that's what it says.....and it has the top 10 things to do.  So, if you are going, take time to read this very informative.... and sometimes funny page!

Useful Tips for CMA fest attendees {especially CMA virgins}

And I could add a few more things to that list....sunscreen, if your light complected like me!  Drink lots of fluids, because it's hot!  There is places to get water and lemonade all over the place, so stay hydrated!  A Hat is always a good idea too, for those who can wear one!  I don't look good in hats, but I do believe since my hair is so long, I'll be wearing a ballcap or something!  And last, but not least....dress light!  The lighter your clothing the less heat it absorbs.....so keep that in mind while packing your bags next month!! 

Ok, thats all I have for now, will be back in a couple days!

Take care yall....until next time.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Casey James at Country Expo.... new songs,pics, video, and a Bucky recap at the bottom

Wow!!!  What a Music filled weekend I had!!  Casey made his acoustic appearance at the Country Expo in Indiana on Saturday, and I went to a Live Bucky show in Shreveport, La. also on Saturday!!  See what I mean??
From the accounts of all the Casey Fans who got to be at this acoustic show, it was *fan*tastic!!  :D   He started off with the fast paced 'get out of your seat and dance' song!!  "Drive", to the crowd's approval!!  And before he started singing he actually was talking!  He said, 'Its been a long time since I got to do an acoustic show' and  'these are brand new songs.....well most of them anyway!'  And he 'brought a little piece of paper'......'and it's got some words on it!"  lol!! At this point, if he were tweeting, we would see.... ;)  gotta love the 'winkie'!! 

Then he went to talking about BBQ (being from Tx-its our fav.) and how he walked up and smelled it and said "Where's that BBQ at, I gotta get some of that.......I pretty much eat around the clock......" then he said BBQ makes him thirsty, and takes a drink, then I had trouble figuring out what he was saying, but.....thanks to LG Vaughn, I was able to know what he was saying....so thanks girl!  As he's taking the drink of water, he glances over his shoulder and says...."I'm on TV, I didn't know that".....then kinda whispers....."now I'm nervous!"....He's really starting to show the humorous side of his personality.....and I'm really liking it!!!

.....anyway,  here's the next video.....and a new song, entitled "I Lied", a medium tempo, sweet little love song....."loves just a word.....and it can't describe.....there's so much more....I feel inside...."  very nice writing, I must say....very good.  My score.....Two thumbs WAY up!!! :)

He said that it was the first time he'd sang that in front of people, but his Dogs seemed to like it! :D lol....and I think he said they sing along....correct me if I'm wrong yall!!  I just thought that was so funny!! lol....
There seemed to be alot more talking to the crowd from Casey at this show!  Loving that!!

Next up is...."Show Me A Bridge", which is a tear jerker for sure!  His very soulful and emotional delivery of the song, sent chills across the way, and is quickly becoming a *Fan Favorite*!!  This second new song gets Two Thumbs all the way to the ceiling UP!!!  I absolutely am in love with this song....just sayin.....

Ok yall, sorry but I accidentally hit publish, and it posted, if your reading this there is more to come.... check back..... but while I'm gone, think I'll go ahead and cook supper....lol...

Hey yall!!  I'm back!

Ok, Casey's next one, number 4,  is another one of our favorite love songs....."Let's Don't Call It A Night"  Even doing it acoustically it sounds very sultry and moving....

Then he does a Questions and Answers from the stage.  Still don't have video of that, but working on getting it, if anybody has one.  That should be very interesting to see.

Then he does a Matt Powell cover called "Everybody Thinks That You're Still Mine".  which sounds like probably the most Traditional Country song, I've ever heard him do.  Once again, he amazes me how goes from one thing to the other, with such grace.....he makes it look so easy....

Next up, is his very bluesy "Til' My Guitar"..... and I love the way Casey show's off his bluesy vocals on this one, and his guitar playing of course.....always stellar!!!

Big Thanks to spinnyjb and jennasj for all their awesome videos!! Above and below!

At this time, this is all the video I could get ahold of....he actually sang 9 songs!  The other 3 were...."Small Town Saturday Night" originally sang by Hal Ketchum back a few years ago!
UPDATE: Found the video.....

Next up was one I am still chompin' at the bit to hear....."Poke Salad Annie"!!!  That is one awesome song and I cannot wait to hear his version of this!!!!  :)
UPDATE:  Found the video! 

Wow!!  He tow' it up, didn't he?  Love the guitar playing in this....he can do anything....he's so unique.

And the last song of the night, another fan favorite cover......the hauntingly beautiful "Wayfaring Stranger". It  has been sang with his mother, Debra, singing back-up vocals and lead......it's very VERY beautiful.  And I will keep an eye open for any videos of these last 3 songs, and get those posted soon as possible.
UPDATE: Found the video

We have some nice photos taken of Casey during the Country Music Expo.  The first one up is Casey and the WFMS 95.5 radeio staff on hand.

And these, by Joey Foley and Michael Hickey

Sounds like a great time was had by all!!!  So glad Casey had so many fans there!!!

More to come later......


Ok, this is going to be My Recap of the Live Bucky Covington Show, in Shreveport, La. I saw..... the same day Casey was in Indiana.

Bucky Covington Live in Shreveport, La. 4-30-11

I arose at 7:00 am on Saturday morning to hurry and get myself to Shreveport for the Bucky show that night at the Eldorado Casino.  It just so happens, this is one of my favorite gambling places, when my mom and I used to go, before I lost her in August.  I had not been back since her death, so it was holding alot of happy memories for me there.

I headed out the door at 8:30 and headed for Dallas Love Field, where I would pick up my good friend, Laura.  As it turns out, I was a bit late getting to her, because of traffic and what not....So I got to her and we hugged and jumped in to get down the road!! 

Our plan was to drive to my sister, Janet's place in Grand Saline, Tx., leave my truck there and get in her mini van and go the other 2 hrs. to Shreveport!  And that's exactly what we did!!   We arrived around 3pm, got checked in to the hotel, then had to walk around a bit and see if we could see anybody we knew.   Laura headed over to the Lounge where the show was to be as I was checking in and came back saying they were in there now doing sound check!  So I went on to the room to change clothes and try to put on a little dab of make-up so I wouldn't scare anyone, if they seen me!  LOL!!  Went back down and into the lounge, and they were still trying to get the sound right, it seemed like they couldn't get something right and didn't acknowledge seeing me, so I thought, ok.....they are very busy right now....I'm gonna go ahead and leave.....mainly because I don't want to be a bother while they are working.  So out the door I went with Janet beside me!!

I wanted to play some games a little bit before I had to go get ready for the show.  I really was suppose to take a power nap, because I was running on about 4 hours sleep.....As most of you know, I'm a night owl......and love staying up half the night!  Well.....7 am comes early when you're accustomed to going to bed at 3am.  But I tried to get enough rest by going to bed at 12....but I still couldn't go to sleep.  Anyway.....doesn't matter, by the time I was getting in the shower, I had my second wind....and was ready to rock!!!  :D

Before that we had seen Terra and stopped and visited with her, and Thanked her so much for working on the Fan Club Party for us!!  She seemed thrilled to be doing it!!  I got tickled at her when she said was emailing Don every day about it, and she challenged him to   "Shut her up "....in other words, get this FCP off and running and she will shut up about it!!!  HAHA!!!  We loved it!!  Got a good laugh in with her about it!!!

So we all go get ready, and I was told, there was a dress code.....so assuming dress code meant dress nicely, no T shirts or tennis shoes.  So we're all dressed in these nice clothes and heels....and when we walked in with our VIP wristband we had gotten, there were a bunch of girls in pink Tshirts....and I'm like.....omg.....we could have worn our Bucky shirts!!  The problem was, I never could get the Entertainment guy, Jason, to answer my question about exactly what we couldn't wear, he kept missing my question in the emails, so I assumed.....we couldn't wear those things!!!  Either way, the communication back and forth with him got us a VIP table up front, which usually cost $250!!!   I believe it was comped....because we were Big Bucky Fans!!!  Whatever made him give it to us, we were thrilled!!

Just before we went to the M&G, we had visited with Katherine, who was at the Merch table and got hugs and saw THE RING!!!!  It was beautiful, and very simple.  I just looked quick, because we had to hurry and get to M&G!!
So we're waiting on Bucky and it was in the lounge upstairs from where the show was, and we're waiting and we ordered a high dollar drink, and just as I was going to relax and take a few drinks, looked up and there he is....so we head over.  I went first, and immediately hugged him, and he said he hadn't seen me in a while.....which thrilled me!!  Then I noticed again....that his hair seemed so different, sorta flatter on top and not as full.  So I'm asking him about his hair.....as I'm picking it up and dropping it, playing with it.....and he said he had changed shampoo's I think is what he said, but anyway, somebody else said something, and got us off that subject, and I never had enough time to get back to it.  Anyway, just glad he didn't stop me from messing with his hair.  Oh, and....it was still wet, so thats probably why it looked flatter.  As the show got underway, and it dried, I noticed it was not quite as flat as it had been earlier, but not as fluffy as usual.  And he made a quick little video for me to say HI to the Casey fans who are coming to see him at CMA fest!

It's at the bottom of this post....
So we get to our table, and I was texting with Bunny about the conference call I was gonna do for the Bucky Fans.  And oddly enough.....we had a full signal inside the lounge!  I told her that, and she was thrilled!!  It was gonna be a good night!!!  So, the band starts coming on and the time is 9:00 ct and I got the call in # from Laura, and dialed in and was in, within minutes, but Bucky had already started AFN....and I was flustered because I didn't get in before he came on!!  It usually takes longer for him to come out, but this was quick!!  Anyway, we were in, the conference call was started and I laid it on my soft purse, so as not to cause vibration and weird sounds from the table!  The plan was for Bunny to text Laura to tell her if it sounded ok, and she did and said it sounded great!!  So, I left it, when I seen some girls getting on the floor toward the stage!  Me and Laura looked at each other, and said....Ok, then.....if they are standing there......so are we!!  We thought that since this was a rather ritzy establishment, that they wouldn't allow us to stand in front of the stage.  It was a short stage anyway.  But, when we saw others there, we sure weren't gonna sit at the table.....uh uh....no way!!!  Of course we were the oldest on the floor.....but we didn't care one bit!!!  Then more and more people came in, because there weren't many people when he started singing, but more came in quickly, I assume from hearing it in the hallways outside!!

I couldn't get my sister to get on the floor with us, instead she stayed at the table and took pictures, of which I haven't seen, and probably won't for a while, because she has no internet right now to upload the pics.....and I won't see her for awhile, but I'll get them one day, I hope!
Laura and I were all over that floor taking pictures in every way, shape and form we could!  I have been uploading some pictures, and I have 1 video, of 'Hometown' and have tried 2 days to get it to upload, but I'm having problems uploading anything.  It's just going to take forever, but hopefully I will have at least a few pictures to show yall!!  Since I'm doing this recap on my Caseymania site, hopefully the pictures I post in a minute will transfer to the forum boards, and if not, I will include the website link so you can see some pics here.  Speaking of which....let me post a few.....
never mind.....I can't get them to load right now.....I'll try later!

Ok, I'm uploading the only video I got....once again, and it's taking half the day....therefore, making uploading pictures, even here, nearly impossible.  So, I will update with pics after the video loads.

So, the show was WILD as ever, with new songs I'd not heard in his set before!!!  But I did manage to get a set list, with the songs that were sang!!!  Thank goodness....because I can't remember which song is sang, and in what order, so the set list is always something I want to get my hands on!  Here is the order of the songs that were sung that night:


Then he did some talking and B S-ing with the crowd



HANDS TO YOURSELF and finishing with

GOOD TO BE US....before leaving the stage!!

Well, that, I just now realized.....is not exactly right.  Because somewhere in there he sang another new one I've never heard before, called   "SILLY GIRL  ".   And it was such a great song!!  I wish I had gotten a video of it too!!  And during the HTY song when he introduces the band, several more pieces of songs were sang, and for the life of me, I can only remember one right now.....BILLIE JEAN!!  I just remember it being the coolest Band intro EVER!!!!  And Ducky got to sing as well!!  But the sad part was Rocky didn't get to sing..... :(   But he did wave to me a couple times and nodded his head from behind the drum set!

So after the show, we went to change clothes, and get out of those heels!!  After changing we went and talked to Terra a little more, when Jeff walked by and I stopped him and introduced myself and hugged him and got a picture with him.  He was very nice!  After that we walked outside to wait by the bus, and there was no one out there, but us, so Laura walked on and I hung back a little to wait till they got all their equipment in the trailer.  I walked up because I saw that Laura was talking to someone, and as I walked up she was again visiting with Terra, who was waiting for them to get finished loading as well.  I then asked Rocky for a hug, since I hadn't had one in nearly a year!   It was just good to visit with them a little bit before they had to go.

So they lifted up the end of the trailer and they were loaded and ready to go.  So we told them ' bye' and we went back in to the casino/hotel.....happy that the night was so fantastic!!!!

I will get yall some pictures as soon as possible.  I'm having such a horrible time uploading!  I did manage to get a short video of Bucky giving a shout out to the Casey Fans/friends that are coming to CMA fest and will be going to his show.....with urging from me, of course!  So I'll put the link to that here, since that's all I have for now!

I've realized how incredibly difficult it is to focus on two artists and do a blog and a recap on them!!!  I didn't get home till late Sunday night, so I didn't get to do too much till yesterday, and I've had nothing but trouble, trying to upload pics and videos!  But I will get them posted very soon....promise!!  And I got A LOT of pictures from the Shreveport show.....just so yall know!!!

Here's the pictures!!
My Pictures from Shreveport
The Video of Bucky giving a shout out to Casey's fans!!

I'll get the pictures on here and the one video as soon as I possibly can!!!    Later!!!!  Ok they are all up!

UPDATE:  Got the Hometown Video ready.....

Ok, I think thats it for me.....I'm  exhausted!!  See yall back here soon!!

Until next time......