Wow....I'm gone from here a couple days and there's all kinds of Casey news buzzing around! I had to work an extra day, so sorry it took me so long to get back! But I'm back now, and I've got my work cut out for me. So yall just kick back and relax.....there's all kinds of stuff going on!!
It appears that Casey James has come home to check on and visit with his ailing grandfather.....lovingly donned as "Paw Paw"..... a name which most southerners are accustomed to, but I have seen comments that were pretty funny concerning the term. I recently learned of "Paw Paw's" condition. It appears the elder James has been diagnosed with cancer that has spread to his bones, and the outlook is not good. Many fans, including myself, have been praying for him and all of the James family and will continue to do so. It's all we can do..... and we ask God for mercy and that he not be in pain, as we also ask for strength for the whole family during this difficult time in their lives. Death is a part of life, as much as we hate has to be, there's no way around it, but we don't have to like it.
I came across this article in the "Weatherford Democrat" newspaper. It's Debra's story of how she, herself, beat breast cancer and is now doing her part to raise awareness about this horrible disease! Just click the link above to read her story! I've wanted to know about this for a long time, thank you Debra, for sharing your touching story with everyone! What a strong woman she is.....I have so much respect for her!
I got another bit of news that is so awesome to hear!! It appears that Billy either 'has' or 'is' moving to Nashville with Casey!!!!!!! Do yall know what that means??? I am more than sure it means he will be the Bass player in the newly signed "Casey James Band"!!! I am so thrilled with this news, as we've all been sooooo wishing that Billy and Jacy would get to be in Casey's band.....and it sure does look like it might be happening!! Why else would Billy move out there?? See where I'm going with this??? Ok, if I'm wrong about this whole thing, I'll be eating crow, but for now, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!!! :D
There's a song of Casey's that's just being raved about and raved about and I'm on board with every raver!!! I've already posted it once, but I just HAVE to post it again!! The song is "She", a Casey James original, with backup harmony vocals by none other than his precious momma, Debra. I know I've said it before and I'll say it again.....there's just something special about those family harmonies!! Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful!! Thanks so much to CLWesson for this gorgeous video complete with awesome shots of Casey and the family! Enjoy......
I think I'll post a picture or two.....never get tired of doing that!! :)
Thank you daydreaminmeme for this beautiful creation!
Thanks to missleahg for this beautiful Seattle shot!
I have this article that was posted in the "Nashville Gab", that caused quite a stir and there's a few things said by the writer that just didn't sit well with Casey's multitude of fans! For the most part, it was not meant to be a negative review......I don't I said, there were some things that I even frowned on.....and even a comment that was totally uncalled for and horribly rude, and the person obviously knew nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, about Casey James!!!......but, I'll just post the whole thing it and then be prepared to be blown away by the droves of Casey James Fans ready to go to bat for him!! :D Their comments are below the article!

Casey James is the latest in a somewhat long line of
American Idol alum to announce that he's going to pin his career hopes and dreams on country music. Unlike some of the others - those who shall remain nameless - I actually think Casey might be a good fit and may be doing it because he actually likes the music and not just because it was the first genre that he was offered a record contract in. My only request is that he cut that hair...we already have a Bucky Covington.
That being said, I've heard some people ho and hum about his decision to go country. Heck, I may have even hoed and hummed in the past (after all, it's my job to be cynical), but one thing is certain, Casey James may actually be good for country music in ways other than just his sexy looks and decent voice.
It's no secret that some country artists have made fun of people who use the popular television show to short-cut their way to fame and fortune, but let's face it, how many of those stars wouldn't have gave it a shot when they were just starting out if it had been available to them. I have a feeling there would have been more than a few stars who would have loved to have been able to cut out the years and years and years of heartache and struggling and went straight to a record contract and being appreciated for their talent. Okay, I doubt any of those stars would give up the experience and memories that years of struggling gave them, but when they were starting out I just wonder how many of them would have taken the quick route if they had the chance.
Now I can't say that Casey James will ever be successful in country music - a genre that is stuffed full to the brim with highly talented people who are scrambling to be discovered and appreciated - but I can tell you that he has one thing going for him that many of the other talents out there don't....InstaFans.
Yes, those
American Idol fans.
I have to say that in the two and a half years I've been doing this there's one thing I've learned very, very well - that country music fans are a bunch of nuts....but in an absolutely wonderful and fun way! Country fans are passionate, outspoken, loyal, fun, totally crazy, and will defend their favorite artist like a mama bear defending her young. I've been at the receiving end of country fans who weren't happy with something I had said and let me tell you, it can be inspiring and scary all at the same time. Why do you think I've only ever posted one or two pictures of myself on the site? I don't want to meet any angry Carrie Underwood fan in a dark alley anytime soon and have them actually recognize me.
But all that said about country fans, I've come across one thing in this universe that can rival even the most devoted country music fan and that's an
American Idol fan. Combine the two and you've got yourself one powerful combination that all we can do is hope they use their powers for good. Something I've noticed in those
American Idol alum who get record deals is that not every genre's fans follow them into the real world, but those who go country seem to bring a huge portion of their
American Idol fans with them, whether their
American Idol fans are country fans or not.
In comes Casey James. Casey James has fans. Casey James has a lot of fans. Casey James has a lot of fans who weren't country music fans but he's bringing them along with him for the ride anyway.
Here's an email I got last night from a CJ fan....
Hi, I found a link to your site from countryweekly. It's nice. Countryweekly did a poll on twitter If you could only follow one person who would that be? Casey James won. He's in Nashville working on his first album, signed to Sony BNA after winning 3rd place on American Idol. When he announced he was going into country music a lot of his fans were kinda shocked. But we pretty much swang with the punches and began following all the country music news. Now I had been listening to some on the radio and I recognized a Keith Urban song when he sang it on tv for the competion. But other times I was lost. Anyway I am going to follow you and hope that you can find anything related to Casey to tweet. His name on twitter is @CaseyEJames. Even a sighting that he was at a restaurant, or who he was seen with has caused a stir in twitterland. Thanks for reading this.
Yes, this is a gal who wasn't a fan of country music but likes her some Casey James so she's giving country music a chance. Most people who give country a chance find that they love it. This gal didn't know zip about country music but found that she could recognize a Keith Urban song on the radio because he sang it on
American Idol. This is a gal who is going to listen to country radio in the hopes of hearing a Casey song, who has been reading Country Weekly in the hopes of a Casey mention, who found my site because she was hoping to catch even the slightest inkling of a Casey James post.
In my book that's a good thing.
So how long before that Casey James passion turns into a Carrie Underwood love, a Toby Keith appreciation, a Keith Urban album purchase, a Sugarland concert attendance? Oh sure, this reader may never garner an appreciation for anything other than the easy-on-the-eyes Casey James, but what about the hundreds, thousands, or even millions of fans Casey's picked up and is bringing with him from his run on
American Idol?
Casey James' album may never go anywhere and he may soon disappear into that wasteland of has-beens, but I think his contribution and the contribution of others like him can't be denied - a fan is a valuable commodity to all of country music no matter where they may have originated from and I want to say one thing to all of them....welcome to the country club.
And in honor of the Casey James fans who may find this by Googling, here's a video of their quarry...
Video by twistdfrk
And here are the Comments: