A little earlier, Casey did us all a favor, and tweeted!! He had a little twitter party, and I was still asleep, I think! But then he tweeted this afternoon, and I got it!! :From the show tonight, at the Orange Peel, there wasn't a call, but there was some tweeting from the show!! Thanks to @Artist_at_heart and @pjwood67 we were able to keep up with some of what was going on!!! Thanks girls!!!
Casey first MISS ME CROWD INSANE for him

Casey took the stage tonight with the other 4 acts....Thompson Square, Josh Thompson, Kellie Pickler and Sunny Sweeney. It was tweeted that Casey helped Sunny with removing her jacket. I hope a picture comes through of that....how sweet....a true southern gentlemen. In the Guitar Pull fashion, they were all on stage together, and each took turns singing songs. Casey sang 4 songs, one at a time:
Love The Way You Miss Me
Let's Don't Call It A Night
The Good Life
Love the way you miss me
Let's Don't Call It A Night
The Good Life
Thanks to Charme S. & the TCJB for these videos!!
These, in my opinion were the best 4 songs he could have picked, because each shows off his bluesy vocals, as well as his country vibe, and last but certainly not least, his mad guitar skills!! Did yall notice how the crowd was reacting to him, especially during LDCIAN and DRIVE!!!! OMG.....mad mad guitar skills!!! He even looked toward the end like he had just whipped the crap outta that guitar and was about to put it to bed!!!! :) And his humble "thank you's".....and the look on his face when the crowd kept ON CHEERING!!! I was told they kept on cheering after the video ends!!! The look on his face was priceless!!!! And I can't think of another person more deserving to get that kind of reaction out of people!!!!! Yay!!! :)
First pictures of the night, just came thru from the radio station KISS Country 99.9
Here is the video that was released yesterday from Sony, of a Behind the Scenes look at the making of Casey's first video....."Let's Don't Call It A Night". This is hilarious!! So get ready to get a good laugh!!
This is the first photo from the show I could locate, thanks to Robin L. for this sweet shot!
That's all I have on the show tonight, and hopefully videos and more pictures will show up tomorrow!
In other news.....Casey's beautiful video debuted on Country Music Station GAC (Great American Country) at about 7:16 tonight!! And for once....I was on top of it!!! I was so proud as I watched it, for about the 1000th time!! So yall know what that means.....The new video is now on the Top 20 countdown which airs on Friday nights at 7:00 pm CT. I must warn everyone and I can't express enough, this is a 1 vote Countdown. They say on the page if more votes are manipulated by the fans, the artist will be penalized and not receive votes. So please, all I ask, is to vote once (1) per day, so Casey does not get penalized! You can vote once per i p address. So this is where we need to ask our family, friends, co-workers, or anybody else who has a different I P address, to please give Casey their one vote a day. That is not hard to do, one vote, so easy! You can also use Facebook and Twitter to send links to people to vote. Click HERE to vote now!!
And while we're on the subject, let's not forget to vote at CMT every day. I'm still confused as to whether or not we can multiple vote, or not. Wish I knew. Click HERE to vote on CMT.
And also, a part of CMT is the CMT Pure 12 Pack. I've been told that this is even more important than the Top 20 Vote. Casey has made this list in 1st place for a couple of weeks, but he has slipped down a number 3. So click HERE to vote for Casey's video on this.
Today, before his show at the Orange Peel, Casey stopped by radio station Q104.1 WTQR in Greensboro, NC, for a visit and sing a couple songs for the radio staff and a few winners. They were so kind to post these awesome videos and pictures of the visit!
Let's Don't Call It A Night
Gotta love love love that Casey laugh!! :) The radio station also posted these really nice pictures!! That adorable little fan looks happy that she just got Casey's autograph! :)
Ok....I'm out of here for now....don't yall forget, Casey has another show tomorrow in Chattenooga, Tennessee, at the Chattenooga Billiards Club! And I know a LOT of people who are going to this show!!! One in particular, Sylvia, my good friend for over 4 years, and my fellow Bucky fan, is going to see Casey for the first time at this show!!! I am so excited for her, and would give anything to see her face when she sees Casey start playing and singing!! I'll be back tomorrow night to follow all the action as it happens!! I'll probably hang out on twitter a little bit to see if we can get some ring side action!! I do believe there is a caller for this show, so there is going to be a conference call for us!! Stay tuned to Caseymania on Facebook, for more information!!
Take care everybody!!
Until then......
Three LIKE (F,I,C) buttons from me as ever! Thank you so much, I love your language, Glenda! <3