Friday, August 12, 2011

Casey James is attention, a new interview, GAC segment, positive feedback and more...

Casey is getting lots of promotion this week, as the debut date, August 15th nears, with more radio stations playing his single!!!

And you can add to the excitement with a new show that has just popped up!!  It's WSLC 94.9 Star Country's  Pajama Jam and it's scheduled for October 14th in Roanoke, Virginia, at the Roanoke Hotel.  Tickets go on sale August 26th at 7am. and are $48.  This is an annual event that focuses on Breast Cancer awareness on several levels!  Casey will be joined by Phil Vassar and Hunter Hayes and I just love their banner advertising this!  

This station, 94.7 Todays KTTS out of Springfield Missouri are just one of the stations doing the 'dog fights' I talked about, and had this to say on their Facebook status:

"Play it or pitch it?"  Casey James, "Lets Don't Call It A Night" Actually, if you're on Facebook just go "Like" this page and comment on it, for him to Play It!

Big D & Bubba
Hey Ya'll...... Ladies especially --@CaseyEJames will b singing in-studio 2morrow Morning 2 kickoff FRIDAY my wife is sooooo

And this is on the morning of Aug. 12th.  Click HERE to stream the station.

UPDATE:  Here is one of the videos from Casey's visit in studio with Big D and Bubba, singing LDCIAN!!

And....I just found acoustic version of  "Why I'm Feeling Blue" on Big D & Bubba from this morning's visit with them!  Let me tell you right now....put headphones on to listen to this, and you'll hear every little thing, every ounce of emotion that he's putting into it....omg.....I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!  Thank you Casey, this song is beautiful in every way!!!!!  Click the song title and get ready to be WOWED!!!

 This station, WOWQ 102 in DuBois, Pa. played Casey's song today at or around 5pm and I missed it!  But we can all still go "Like" this page on Facebook and comment on Casey's song!

I love DJ's like this next one, Clint!  He is with 100.5 The Wolf also from Springfield, Mo.  He put this on the Facebook Page:

One of American Idol's SEXIEST MEN is baaaaaaaack!  Then goes on to say....."Remember Casey James??  Well..... you should!!
You can also "Like" their Facebook page and comment about Casey's song there as well!!

104.5 WFMB and it's morning DJ's John and Michele in Illinois does a little thing called The New Country Download and they have Casey's LDCIAN among others for people to listen to and then comment on.  So this is yet another chance for us to tell somebody how much we love and appreciate his music!  And here is the song that's causing all the talk....."Let's Don't Call It A Night" at Billy Bob's Texas on July 1st in Fort Worth, Texas.....his home.....


We need to "Like" Lovin' Lyrics Music Promotions  because they love Casey's music and promote him!  And HERE is their website that they posted his picture and link to his single on!!  Yay!!!  I'm loving all this support he's getting!!!  And this is just the's only gonna get better for our boy!!!

And now, Casey is just gonna stroll onto this page and stand there a bit....with his hands on his hips....ok?  lol....Thats what it looks like, to me, when there's not another color besides white!  It looks like he could turn and walk away if he wanted to.
I'm just so inspired right now, I've got my headphones on and I'm listening to  LDCIAN over and over.....I love to listen to Casey sing while I'm watching (off & on) Big Brother After Dark!!  So it was only fitting to let him stand on the page and stare at me as if to tell me how silly I look!!  Ha ha ha!  Don't I sound like I've gone right off the deep end??  LoL!!  Never mind me.....I'm just cuttin' up and feeling good!!  :) :)  LoL!!
By the way, photo is courtesy of USA Today.

CountryMusicIsLove on Facebook, announced today that one of their people had an interview (or chat) with Casey this afternoon and they were suppose to do a story on it, but haven't seen it yet.  I love their site and they do A LOT for Country artists, so I can wait!  I'll edit this post and get it on here for yall when it's ready.

HERE is their website, if anyone would like to check it out!!  It's awesome!!  It's also on the sidebar on the left with the other favorite sites.

Thanks to Heather Brooks for her stellar shots of Casey at the Calgary Stampede in Canada last month!

Those are some really good shots, that show off his different movements while performing.  I like the way he never seems to be in one position for more than a second or two!! 

Not only is Casey on the radio these days, but he's going to be featured on GAC's "On The Streets", a segment that highlights newly released music and the artists that sing them!  You don't want to miss this, if you have GAC on your television programming!  Suzanne will be talking with Casey about his new single, among other things!  So here are all the times (Yes, it's on 5 different times)  so nobody will miss it!!  I'm so excited!!!  I love all these things happening that I've been knowing will happen for a while now, just patiently waiting for the time when they would, and now they are!!!  Yeeeesssss!!!  Check out the video below the schedule, you're gonna love what Suzanne Alexander (the host) calls cute!!!!
  • August 16, 2011 10:00 AM ET
  • August 16, 2011 2:00 PM ET
  • August 16, 2011 7:30 PM ET
  • August 16, 2011 10:30 PM ET
  • August 17, 2011 2:30 AM ET

Just a reminder to everyone.....remember to call you local radio station and see if they have Casey's song yet, and if they do, ask them nicely if they can play it.  You might even want to say that you just saw him at a show somewhere, like a festival or something, and you heard him say he had a new song coming out soon and you would like to hear it, if they have it!  Try to use the word 'song', instead of single when talking to the DJ's.  If you say single, it seems they know you are a devoted fan who is following this artist, and for some reason, it seems like they prefer the casual fan over the wild ones.  Thats just my opinion, though.  It's always best, if you don't know the DJ to play it off as a new fan. 

One more thing before I go.....I did not notice this, but evidently somebody did.....because Casey is wearing some different  jewelry and he is featured on the website of  "nicolina royale" jewelry wearing their necklace in several pictures shot while on his West Coast tour.

You can see clearly that it is a key and the picture of this on their website, looks like a little gun and a lock too.  I really like it.....a lot!!!   Looks very nice on him too, I might add.  If you would like to see more from their website click HERE  All kinds of American Idol people from the judges to the contestants wear their jewelry!  I like it, think I'll see if there's something I can purchase.....wait, I haven't even looked at the prices.....maybe I should do that now!!  :)

Ok, my friends, this is all I have for right now, yall feel free to leave a comment any time, I love reading 'em!!  Have a great weekend!!

Until next time..... :)


  1. Thanks so much for the tip about saying "song" instead of "single". I didn't know so many things can be off-putting for radio DJs.

    Can't wait for the GAC feature. Is this something you can record and share Glenda?

    ~ Melinda

  2. There will be a video of it afterwards, I'm pretty sure. And for those who don't have GAC, I will post the video after it airs. I can't wait to see it either!!!

    Yes, there are so many things that these DJ's take into consideration when playing people's request! It's little things too, like the word 'song' instead of 'single'. When you say single, it tells them you are not just a casual fan, you have been following this artist. I think it all boils down to the Street Team thing. They don't like Street Teams ganging up on one station and calling from all over the country requesting a song. And they do that, and I hope Casey's fans don't do it. It may be ok for a few to do it, but not 100's. It's hard to explain it all really, but we don't want to alienate the DJ's with requests. Just for now it's best to stick with calling your local one, and the Syndicated ones. And it IS ok for a bunch of us to get together for a streaming of a syndicated station, so we can all call in and vote for Casey's song, if he's in a competition with another. Or just to listen in because he is a guest on the show.

    Thanks for being a Casey fan and a reader! I appreciate you!! :)

  3. So happy to hear all the good news about Casey. He sounds better all the time. I'm liking a lot of the songs he has co-written. The acoustic version is great.
