UPDATED with new videos & pictures!
Casey James kicked off his 1st of 6 shows in California tonight! Kodiak Jacks, in Petaluma, California, was the place to be, as Casey played 20 songs to a very enthusiastic crowd!! Some of our twitter girls were there, keeping us updated, and there was a conference call to listen in on! It was a great show, no doubt, and Casey made some arrangement changes to some of his songs we already know and love!! He is said to have took "Let's Don't Call It A Night", and gave it a 'funky vibe'! Ok, I can't wait to hear that version!! And then with "Drive", he really changed it up and gave it some Blues!!! What?? Ok, this is gonna be good!!! :) At the time of this post, no videos are ready yet, but will be by tomorrow, and I will update this post for you as they come in!!
Here is the set list and the order in which the songs were performed.
These next 16 songs were with the band:
And this is the actual Set List given to @deesquared777 and signed!! She must still be doing a happy dance!!! This one is unique because usually they don't have that many notes on them, but this one is awesome.....with lots of little marks here and there, that only he and the band members know the meaning of.....
Thanks to @deesquared777 for this very cool picture!
Long Tall Texan
Need Some Texas
She's Money
I Lied
Let's Don't Call It A Night
So Sweet
Drowning On Dry Land
Use Me
Green Light Girl
Need Your Love So Bad
Til My Guitar
Shine Your Shoes
Too Sweet For Me
Done Made Up My Mind
The next 4 songs were his encore, and performed by himself with only his acoustic guitar.
Blue Sky
If You Could Only See
Small Town Saturday
Oh my goodness, what an awesome set of songs!! He never ceases to amaze me!! I absolutely love "Tonic's" 1997 hit song, "If You Could Only See".....it has a very special place in my heart, as it was a favorite of someone very special to me, who is no longer with me, so when I heard Casey had sang it....I was overwhelmed with emotion, to say the least!!
And the reason I didn't hear it on the conference call, was because I lost my connection, and just didn't try to get back in. Now I wish I had. :( But I can look forward to the video!! And I can only imagine how beautifully he sings it!!
Here's a couple of the tweets that came through!
Casey James kicked off his 1st of 6 shows in California tonight! Kodiak Jacks, in Petaluma, California, was the place to be, as Casey played 20 songs to a very enthusiastic crowd!! Some of our twitter girls were there, keeping us updated, and there was a conference call to listen in on! It was a great show, no doubt, and Casey made some arrangement changes to some of his songs we already know and love!! He is said to have took "Let's Don't Call It A Night", and gave it a 'funky vibe'! Ok, I can't wait to hear that version!! And then with "Drive", he really changed it up and gave it some Blues!!! What?? Ok, this is gonna be good!!! :) At the time of this post, no videos are ready yet, but will be by tomorrow, and I will update this post for you as they come in!!
Here is the set list and the order in which the songs were performed.
These next 16 songs were with the band:
And this is the actual Set List given to @deesquared777 and signed!! She must still be doing a happy dance!!! This one is unique because usually they don't have that many notes on them, but this one is awesome.....with lots of little marks here and there, that only he and the band members know the meaning of.....
Thanks to @deesquared777 for this very cool picture!
Long Tall Texan
Need Some Texas
She's Money
I Lied
Let's Don't Call It A Night
So Sweet
Drowning On Dry Land
Use Me
Green Light Girl
Need Your Love So Bad
Til My Guitar
Shine Your Shoes
Too Sweet For Me
Done Made Up My Mind
The next 4 songs were his encore, and performed by himself with only his acoustic guitar.
Blue Sky
If You Could Only See
Small Town Saturday
Oh my goodness, what an awesome set of songs!! He never ceases to amaze me!! I absolutely love "Tonic's" 1997 hit song, "If You Could Only See".....it has a very special place in my heart, as it was a favorite of someone very special to me, who is no longer with me, so when I heard Casey had sang it....I was overwhelmed with emotion, to say the least!!
And the reason I didn't hear it on the conference call, was because I lost my connection, and just didn't try to get back in. Now I wish I had. :( But I can look forward to the video!! And I can only imagine how beautifully he sings it!!
Here's a couple of the tweets that came through!
by deesquared777
After listening to all this, I just want to go around with a pair of headphones permanently attached to my head!! LOL!! I could never get tired of listening to Casey sing and play!!! He is just phenominal in my honest opinion!!! :)
Ok, this next one, "Shine your Shoes", is another that has a change! We have only heard him do this 1 time since last year, when he did it at Billy Bobs Texas on July 1st. It's a fan favorite, and we've only heard it done acoustically, but tonight.....the band plays it with him!!! And, it sounds like they jazzed it up a bit!!! Cuz I LOVE it!!!! I sure hope this one makes the album cut as well as the others on this page, of his originals!!
"Shine Your Shoes"
This next one is a 'newer' new one...lol...!! And it's growing on me every time I hear it, and especially this performance!!! I am really starting to love it too!!
"She's $Money$"
In a minute I'll put on 2 more videos of what we could call 'Live Recapping' from 2 of the cutest women eeeevveeeerrrr!!! I loved loved loved every second of their Live Recaps....it made it so much more personal!! I felt as if they were telling me this in my living room and I was chatting with them!!! Caught myself a couple times saying...."You go girl!!!" Hats off to Marie and Diane, you may have just started a trend with the Casey Fans, cause I'd love to see every show from everybody recapped in this way!!!! Its just so fun!!
And finally.....we actually have the names of all of Casey's band members!!! Well, we had them, then 1 changed, then another changed, and well, I couldn't keep up, so I decided I'd wait until the Bass player and Drummer were a fixed item before learning their names! :) So, hopefully they are, and their names are:
Keyboards--Billy Nobel
Bassist--Nolan Verner
Drummer--Johnny 'the clock' Richardson
"Hello fellas....nice to meet 'cha" They are sounding really good with Casey, like they've been playing with him for awhile!!! Hope they stick around for him!! :)
And now.......drumroll please......saving the best for last!!!!! During his show last night, he said there would be a single out in 2 or 3 WEEKS!!!!! Yes!!!!!!! I was so thrilled to hear that!!!!! Ok, fans.....now the 'real' work begins for us, and I'll do all I can to bring you the information needed and how to help push that single to the top!!!!! Do yall know what else that means???? There will be a video very soon!!!!! And I cannot WAIT to see him in his first video....it's gonna be EPIC!!!!!! Thats when we will have to vote daily on CMT and GAC music TV station websites to get his video to #1 in the Top 20 Countdown each week!!! We are a dedicated group, and I just KNOW we can do it!!!!!
Now....here are those cute 'recap videos' from Marie and Diane! Could yall be any cuter?!?!
Caseycation 1
Caseycation 2
This is all the videos I have for now, I guess they haven't finished getting them uploaded. That's ok, I'm a patient person!!
Thanks to all the fans for going out and supporting Casey on his 1st of 6 shows in California!! And thanks a bunch for bringing us back all the videos and pictures, they are all awesome!! :) For those of us who can't make the shows, we are living vicariously through you.....so Thank You!!!!
Ok, I'm outta here for tonight.....if more videos or pictures come through, I will probably just update and post them here with the others!!
And one more thing....one of Casey's fans, and a good friend of mine, Donna McKool is going through quite a rough time, and has been for a while now. Her husband, Kevin has been in and out of the hospital for the past few months, as he is fighting for his life, since being diagnosed with leukemia. Today was an extremely tough day because he received stem cells by IV and was nauseated for the most part of the treatment. My heart just cries for them! So if you pray, all I ask is that you give a shout-out to the Lord and just ask him to please see this family through this, and help his treatment be successful! If you would be interested in following Kevin's journey, you can do so by going to Caring Bridge
and sign up, it's quick. You can not only follow his progress, but you can leave your thoughts and prayers, among other things. Thank you in advance for your prayers! :)
Ok, now I really have to go this time....I'll be back when there's more news....yall take care....
Until then.....
Wow oh wow! Blues for the new generation @CaseyEJames Go see him LIVE!

I told him we all just love him to pieces!!!
Ok, folks....we now have lots of videos and a few pictures, so here we go!! Enjoy!!
Thanks to RoseQueens2011 for this lovely shot!!
My goodness!!! Casey was on FIRE last night!! Wait until you hear some of the songs he's re-worked!! "Drowning on Dry Land" has an even more soulful and bluesy sound than ever before, (is that even possible?!) and he's playing it with a different guitar!! I don't know if anyone has noticed that!! He usually plays that song with the Strat, the white one, whose name, I believe, is...'the Black one'! lol....And he was playing the dark blue one with the black pick guard....what is that one's name again?? Hmmm.... I know I used to know.... is that the one he calls 'mine'? Well, anyway, he tore it up!! Here it is now.....
Great Big 'ole Thanks going out to Marie L. for her awesome clear videos!!!! :)
"Drowning On Dry Land"
I don't hide the fact that this next song is the one I am holding my breath and praying is his 1st single!!! I LOVE this song!!!!
"So Sweet"
Here is another of his bluesy tunes, and just a really cute song!
"Too Sweet For Me"
This one is an old Bill Withers tune, another of Casey's bluesy covers, and one I really really love this old song!!
"Use Me"
The next 2 songs are together, and once again he is stellar with those guitar skills, and his voice is like none other.....he is a legend in the making!!!
"Drive & Done Made Up My Mind"
Ok, we found out last night that the arrangement had also been changed on "Lets Don't Call it A Night", and I'm here to tell you right now.....I LOVE what he has done with it!!! It just sounds more grooving....if ya will!! They took the tempo up and it just has more of a dancing feel now.... Give it a listen.....
"Let's Don't Call it A Night"
Ok, folks....we now have lots of videos and a few pictures, so here we go!! Enjoy!!
Thanks to RoseQueens2011 for this lovely shot!!
Thanks to @DeeSquared777 for all the following photos!! :)
My goodness!!! Casey was on FIRE last night!! Wait until you hear some of the songs he's re-worked!! "Drowning on Dry Land" has an even more soulful and bluesy sound than ever before, (is that even possible?!) and he's playing it with a different guitar!! I don't know if anyone has noticed that!! He usually plays that song with the Strat, the white one, whose name, I believe, is...'the Black one'! lol....And he was playing the dark blue one with the black pick guard....what is that one's name again?? Hmmm.... I know I used to know.... is that the one he calls 'mine'? Well, anyway, he tore it up!! Here it is now.....
Great Big 'ole Thanks going out to Marie L. for her awesome clear videos!!!! :)
"Drowning On Dry Land"
I don't hide the fact that this next song is the one I am holding my breath and praying is his 1st single!!! I LOVE this song!!!!
"So Sweet"
Here is another of his bluesy tunes, and just a really cute song!
"Too Sweet For Me"
This one is an old Bill Withers tune, another of Casey's bluesy covers, and one I really really love this old song!!
"Use Me"
The next 2 songs are together, and once again he is stellar with those guitar skills, and his voice is like none other.....he is a legend in the making!!!
"Drive & Done Made Up My Mind"
Ok, we found out last night that the arrangement had also been changed on "Lets Don't Call it A Night", and I'm here to tell you right now.....I LOVE what he has done with it!!! It just sounds more grooving....if ya will!! They took the tempo up and it just has more of a dancing feel now.... Give it a listen.....
"Let's Don't Call it A Night"
After listening to all this, I just want to go around with a pair of headphones permanently attached to my head!! LOL!! I could never get tired of listening to Casey sing and play!!! He is just phenominal in my honest opinion!!! :)
Ok, this next one, "Shine your Shoes", is another that has a change! We have only heard him do this 1 time since last year, when he did it at Billy Bobs Texas on July 1st. It's a fan favorite, and we've only heard it done acoustically, but tonight.....the band plays it with him!!! And, it sounds like they jazzed it up a bit!!! Cuz I LOVE it!!!! I sure hope this one makes the album cut as well as the others on this page, of his originals!!
"Shine Your Shoes"
This next one is a 'newer' new one...lol...!! And it's growing on me every time I hear it, and especially this performance!!! I am really starting to love it too!!
"She's $Money$"
In a minute I'll put on 2 more videos of what we could call 'Live Recapping' from 2 of the cutest women eeeevveeeerrrr!!! I loved loved loved every second of their Live Recaps....it made it so much more personal!! I felt as if they were telling me this in my living room and I was chatting with them!!! Caught myself a couple times saying...."You go girl!!!" Hats off to Marie and Diane, you may have just started a trend with the Casey Fans, cause I'd love to see every show from everybody recapped in this way!!!! Its just so fun!!
And finally.....we actually have the names of all of Casey's band members!!! Well, we had them, then 1 changed, then another changed, and well, I couldn't keep up, so I decided I'd wait until the Bass player and Drummer were a fixed item before learning their names! :) So, hopefully they are, and their names are:
Keyboards--Billy Nobel
Bassist--Nolan Verner
Drummer--Johnny 'the clock' Richardson
"Hello fellas....nice to meet 'cha" They are sounding really good with Casey, like they've been playing with him for awhile!!! Hope they stick around for him!! :)
And now.......drumroll please......saving the best for last!!!!! During his show last night, he said there would be a single out in 2 or 3 WEEKS!!!!! Yes!!!!!!! I was so thrilled to hear that!!!!! Ok, fans.....now the 'real' work begins for us, and I'll do all I can to bring you the information needed and how to help push that single to the top!!!!! Do yall know what else that means???? There will be a video very soon!!!!! And I cannot WAIT to see him in his first video....it's gonna be EPIC!!!!!! Thats when we will have to vote daily on CMT and GAC music TV station websites to get his video to #1 in the Top 20 Countdown each week!!! We are a dedicated group, and I just KNOW we can do it!!!!!
Now....here are those cute 'recap videos' from Marie and Diane! Could yall be any cuter?!?!
Caseycation 1
Caseycation 2
This is all the videos I have for now, I guess they haven't finished getting them uploaded. That's ok, I'm a patient person!!
Thanks to all the fans for going out and supporting Casey on his 1st of 6 shows in California!! And thanks a bunch for bringing us back all the videos and pictures, they are all awesome!! :) For those of us who can't make the shows, we are living vicariously through you.....so Thank You!!!!
Ok, I'm outta here for tonight.....if more videos or pictures come through, I will probably just update and post them here with the others!!
And one more thing....one of Casey's fans, and a good friend of mine, Donna McKool is going through quite a rough time, and has been for a while now. Her husband, Kevin has been in and out of the hospital for the past few months, as he is fighting for his life, since being diagnosed with leukemia. Today was an extremely tough day because he received stem cells by IV and was nauseated for the most part of the treatment. My heart just cries for them! So if you pray, all I ask is that you give a shout-out to the Lord and just ask him to please see this family through this, and help his treatment be successful! If you would be interested in following Kevin's journey, you can do so by going to Caring Bridge
and sign up, it's quick. You can not only follow his progress, but you can leave your thoughts and prayers, among other things. Thank you in advance for your prayers! :)
Ok, now I really have to go this time....I'll be back when there's more news....yall take care....
Until then.....
Wow, thanks Glenda. What a show it must've been. Can't wait to see Casey playing 20 songs. :) And yeah, can't wait for the videos either :)
ReplyDeleteWow! That is just all I have to say! ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks girls....videos & some pics coming soon!!!! Check back often!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!! :) Very, very nice indeed!
ReplyDeleteThanks Glenda for the review and all that you do to support Casey. I am so excited about the release of his single. It will great to be active again in his support. Thanks in advance for keeping us informed on how to help. :)
ReplyDeleteLove your blog Glenda - your such a great fan and review Casey so well! I can't wait to hear what Casey's single is going to be!! :)