Saturday, March 12, 2011

Casey James at Jacksonville, Florida, Updated with New Material!

Here we go, the first videos I could find from Jacksonville, FL. last night!!  Rock on Casey!!!

"Drive"....I am liking this song more, every time I hear it!!  Whoo Hooo  Nascar....ya need a theme song???
Thanks to luvcaseyjames for this great video of our guy!!

Yes!!  This next song has that straight out of a Honky Tonk feel....loving it!!!!!  "Bulletproof"     I just wanna get up and dance when I hear it!!!  But instead I sit and do the head bobbing thing!!  lol....

Thanks again to luvcaseyjames for this great video!!

This next video is that bluesy, sensual, I can't stop singing it, "Let's Don't Call It A Night"  Watch as he walks away from the mic playing his guitar and looks out and the screams begin and he starts grinning.....cutest thing ever!!

Big thanks to poisonivyred for her awesome video!!


Yay!!!!  Casey just tweeted from  the show!!!

"Jacksonville rocks! Y'all are a great crowd! And thanks so much for bringing the signs. Sure makes me proud to have such great fans!"

A fan posted a picture,but I'm gonna hold out for something better, this one is a bit blue, and blurry!
Check back soon!!  More coming!!

The Jacksonville Show was very good, and lots and lots of audience appreciation for Casey!!!  The fans are all excited that he indeed was feeling much better and stayed after the show to meet each and every one of them!!!  I will have it all tomorrow....I just can't look at this screen much eyes are killing me!

So until tomorrow.......


Ok, it's Sunday now, and I'm going to post some pictures that have come in from last nights show in Jacksonville, Fl. 
So, Casey was wearing his hair back in a pony and wearing the blue and white checkered shirt we've seen before!  It's a nice look on him!!
The fans were obviously digging this new Casey James material as they 'rocked' right along with Casey for his entire set!!!  Someone said they thought he was getting better with each show....and I can see that happening.  The band is relatively new and as they play together, they will seam together, knowing each others actions, and blend beautifully!!  I'm just so proud to be a Casey fan right now!!

Big thanks to Mickey for these gorgeous shots of Casey at the Jacksonville show!!

I'll be back in a little bit, hopefully with some fan pictures!


Ok, here's the fan pictures, only 2 but it's better than nothing I guess!  From L to R: Cindy, Mickey, Darla and Sara.  And don't these ladies look like the happiest of Casey Fans??  Thanks Cindy for sharing your group shot with us!

And that beautiful lady below is somebody I love and respect all the way across the country!  That is Micky Fay with Casey.  She is the creator of the original Casey James Cougar Club on Facebook, and recently changed the name to The Casey E James Fan Club on Facebook!!  So if you're not a member, please join up, you'll never meet a greater bunch of gals and guys supporting Casey's career!!  Here's the link>>>>>>  "Here"

Thanks Mickey, for this great shot of you and Casey in Jacksonville!!

Ok, yall...I'm outta here for a eyes are starting to bother me, from doing this too long, so I may not be on till late tomorrow!!

Until next time......

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