Saturday, March 12, 2011

Casey James is Rocking Jacksonville, Fl. great interview and Recap!

The mood is totally escalated in Jacksonville, Florida today as many Casey fans are getting together for his opening slot tonight at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena!  We're predicting some great things coming from this show!!  I will be sitting and fidgeting until the first pictures and videos come rolling through!!  I'm still in awe at this wonderful opportunity Casey has earned to actually be opening for the hottest duo in the country!!!  Only somebody of his undeniable talent could fill that spot!!   Before we know it, he will be Headlining these huge venues, and we can all rest on our laurels, knowing we saw it long before others did, and he is exactly where we all knew he'd the TOP!!

I wanted to share with all of you, something I completely forgot to post, what, with all the 'Casey Mania' (pun intended :) ) going on and such!!  My friend Kathy, who shared pictures and wonderful videos with us from that very first 'Casey show' in Little Rock, also did a most detailed recap of the whole experience from her eyes!!  And in all the excitement, I completely forgot all about it and didn't post it!!   I do apologize to you Kathy, for my oversight!!  Please read every word she has to say, because she will take you back to Little Rock on the ride of your life, for just a little while, a great distraction many of us need, in these busy days we have!!  So....without further is her story:

"Kathy's detailed recap of Casey's Little Rock debut"

Along with her wonderful description of the show, I also found a few more of her beautiful pictures, that seem to catch Casey in his 'moments' as I like to call them!  See for yourself.....

This is Casey, just before going onstage at LR....looks as though he may be mentally preparing....

As you can see in this one....he's totally 'into' his music.....I love it when he goes there!

And this one....I'll just quote Casey......"No Words.....Only Love....."

Looks like Casey took the time to do an all important phone interview from Little Rock, before his debut opening act!!  This is from an online version of the Grand Rapids Press, in advance, of their show coming up next week!!
In it, he talks candidly about when he started playing, and other things...

"I didn’t think of it as practicing my guitar, I just always had it in my hands; I literally never dropped it.”

 "They are amazingly talented,” James said of the Grammy-winning group, Sugarland. “It’s unbelievable — I finally get to do what it is I can do. I get to play music I wrote, music that comes from my heart. It’s been a long time in coming.”

Casey also touches on his faith...."I don’t need to be going out and doing crazy things. I’m doing exactly what I’ve always wanted, and having this chance just strengthens my faith,” he said. “I’m really happy to be in a position to promote what I believe in. It’s about representing (Christianity) well. I want people to say "There’s something different about that guy."

Well, believe me Casey....there IS something different about you!!  EVERYTHING!!!  For the full story click   "HERE"

I'm gonna scoot out of here for just a little while....I'll be back later to update from the Jacksonville, show!!

See yall in a bit!!


  1. carolyn collins@jesssmomMarch 12, 2011 at 8:40 PM

    Glenda..have we told you lately that we love your blog?! this is like a delicious meal for a starved soul..and can't find enough words to thank you.personally to me the blue in the guitar and pic up there is striking. its i once shot a bolt of that color out of my fingertips and put out all the phes at the y when i worked there.. carpet static:) still its electric and beautiful it most suits Casey. its like his soul color:)if that sounds wierd, i'm sorry. had an exhausting day and now feel energized. just in time to try to go to sleep to work tomorrow! LOL anyway at least i go to sleep with happy thoughts now instead of stress! CASEY JAMES..WE LOVE YOUR MUSIC! AND WE LOVE YOU. the 'something different ' hooked us all and reeled us in. you truly do have fans for life..because you are so worth it. God has done wonders by the gifts he has given you. . God bless you!

  2. Yesterday I mentioned how Casey still takes my breath away. That may sound shallow but it's true! Today I can tell you how his music haunts me. Can't sleep sometimes for hearing his voice. After reading the article from Grand Rapids I can tell you he brought me to tears. I can't think of another "celebrity" that represents Christianity so well. Thank you Casey for standing for your faith and for showing your love and humility like Christ.
    Glenda, thanks for always doing an excellent job here. Love the new picture and the emphasis on his music.!

  3. Thanks, it's my pleasure ladies!! I appreciate each and every one of you!!! You are my strength to keep doing this every day!! I love Casey dearly and hope that in some small way I am helping his career!!

    Thanks for all your sweet words yall, it's very comforting when I hear from my readers!!!

    So glad everyone is liking the new pic at the top!! We have to represent Casey for what and who he is as an artist. And that, to me, is exactly what Casey told us all....He is a musician first, singer second! So I wanted to show people that we are about Casey's music first and everything else....second!! Thanks again yall!!

  4. Where you at, girl? This has been up a looooooooooooooonng time! Are you okay? Always check here for Casey news but hadn't heard from you in a while. Hope ALL is well!
