Monday, February 7, 2011

Excitement from Fans as Casey James heads out on tour, more writing colaborations, and more!

As the title says, there's starting to be alot of excitement among the fans as they prepare their roadtrips, hotels and such for the unveiling of The Casey James Band!!  Casey will make his debut appearance with his newly formed band on March 4th in Little Rock, Arkansas!  Alot of fans are meeting up and hopefully there will be group shots from every Tour Stop!  I'm going to stay on top of that for you!  I just last night, purchased (another ticket) a General Admission Pit Pass in order to try and get as close to the stage in Little Rock as possible!  I also said I was going to try to do a LiveCast.  I'm not so sure about the latter though.  If I do that, I won't be able to take pictures or do video at all!  So, I'm leaning towards trashing the idea of that altogether!  I hope I don't let too many of you down.  But I will be getting lots of the other to bring back to you!  Like I said, I'm not exactly certain that I won't do it, just thinking about it.  Then again....I could do like the 1st song and then only pics and video after that!  I'll be thinking about it, and let yall know what I decide.

Once again, Twitter has been exploding with the latest news of Casey's writing adventures!!  Patrick Davis is the one who tweeted the information this time, and here's what he said:

Patrick Davis
Writing today with the pretty @ & the hungover Dallas Davidson... Good songs on the way!

"Pretty Casey James"?  Ok, I like this guy already!!  He definitely knows a good looking man when he sees one!

Patrick is known quite well in Nashville, and has some very impressive writing skills!  Some of his work includes:

Dallas Davidson is no slouch reported on his website, he celebrates a Career-Defining 2010!!  Some of his awesome work includes:

"It's All About Tonight" by Blake Shelton

"That's How Country Boy's Roll" by Billy Currington

"Gimme That Girl" by Joe Nichols

And a number of other top songs of 2010!!  These 2 guys are an awesome duo for Casey to be writing with!!  I am just so excited for him and what this year is going to bring to the table!!!  Writing with guys and gals like he has been, well, it's got to produce some really great material!!  I'm so anxious to hear what comes of all these songwriters and Casey!!

And this is just a short sample of what Patrick and Dallas is capable of!!  I LOVE all these songs....and I had NO idea they were written by these men!!  Well, as a lover of Country Music for years and years now, I am confident that Casey is in the BEST of writers hands!!  Here are some pictures of the two talented songwriters:

Dallas Davidson is on the right in the picture above.

And this is Patrick Davis above.

I know this next paragraph has nothing to do with Patrick Davis' or Dallas Davidson's writing, but I just wanted to throw this in.  I have been a big fan of Jason Michael Carrol's ever since his debut single in October of 2006, "Alyssa Lies".  It took Jason  3 years to write it, because it was so emotionally painful he would get migraines.  That song went on to touch so many people in this world, me included, and some who suspected child abuse, yet did nothing about it.  The song went to #5 on the Billboard Country Charts, but in my opinion, it should have went to #1 and stayed there, for the message it gave.  I have to be honest, if you've never heard it, I ask you to please, click on the title of the song above, and be prepared to have your heart touched in a way it never has been.  If you don't get a lump in your throat and/or teary eyed, well you must have a hard heart is all I can say.
I would absolutely love to see Casey write with Jason.  Maybe one day I'll get to see that!!  Here's JMC....back when he had that beautiful long hair....

Yes, he is quite the looker himself!!  :)

And I almost forgot about another tweeter who had something cool to say about Casey!!!   Emmy award winning Radio/TV producer Curt Miller had this to say the other day about our Casey!!

@CaseyEJames Thanks for hangin' out and bringing lunch today! We had a blast. Good luck on the road! 

Thats a good sign....because Curt works for CMT in Nashville, the video and ect. channel!  And also the Radio Station.....CMT Live with Cody Alan.  Undoubtedly they must have been talking about Casey's first Video, or the exact date he would be on Cody's Live Radio Show!!  I don't know anything for sure, but I would guess that they were talking about those 2 things!   Those of you who are willing to go that extra mile for Casey, will no doubt get to know Cody Alan, because his nightly show is syndicated, meaning it goes out to many country stations across America!  His request line # to call is....1-866-877-4CMT  Or if you would like to visit his's.....  CMT Radio Live with Cody Alan Very soon we will be calling Cody and requesting Casey's first debut single!!  

Here is some favorite photos of Casey taken back in the summer, enjoy!

 I got all these photos from my blog's archive, so I've posted them before here with credits, and I don't have the credits available to me at this time, but if it's your photo, thank you very much!!  I do know Daydreaminmeme made the two posters, thanks girl.

Well, we got to get ready for yet another cold spell here in North Texas, so yall stay safe if your in some bad weather too, and I'll be back soon.....

Until next time.........


  1. POSTERS!!!that's what we need..posters of Casey and i personally would like a calender of Casey pics..with a favorite quote or saying for each month. that would be so awesome. i know there are enough awesome pics of him to do 12 months well!!

  2. What a GREAT idea! A calendar of Casey...that would be the best!! I'd buy a few!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Sorry girls, I'm already ahead of ya on that one!! Been working on a design for a little bit now. Just one of my many little projects I have going on!! Yes, it is a great idea!! A full calendar of nothing but Casey on every month!! We got a good start with these don't we??

  4. Ahhh I so love Patrick Davis now. If there's anything that will catch my attention, is a great musician with truckload of humour. Don't mention he's cute. Period.

    Shucks Casey must be over the moon with all these happening. I'm so excited for your trip to AR, Glenda. Try not to shake too much so you can get great pictures lol

  5. Oh Glenda im thrilled that you are doing a Casey calendar, i want one or two for sure. can't wait. And the pics above are awesome, its going to be hard to choose , i know. You are the best . linda

  6. you would think with all the writers he's been working with he would have a whole album by now.but hey thats ok take your time the wait is gonna be so worth it.i agree with the person on twitter,casey could do "Turn The Page" by Bob Seger sooooo good,his voice sometimes reminds me of Bob Seger. Lisa houston,tx.
