Friday, November 5, 2010

News is slow these days.....jus' sayin'

Hey my computer back, and still there's just not much news going on out there!  The weather is so perfect in Texas.....just wish it would stay in the 60's and 70's all year round!  I'm so comfortable right now! :)

Well, it looks as though another James family member was getting their hair styled by the 'now famous' Gino in Ft. Worth!  Seems Billy needed a trim as well as Casey the other day!  So Gino....being the good person he is.....graces his facebook page with the photos he got of BC while he was there!  And....the first thing I noticed was not that his hair is growing out.....but that he seems more buff theses days.... maybe doing a little working out....maybe??  There were several other people who thought the same thing.  Anyway, here's the pics that Gino took....

Poor Gino was having allergy problems that day and his little eye looks lazy.....but he assured us it's just allergies!!  Hope he's feeling better now!  Thanks so much, Gino, for these excellent shots!!

Ok, well, I'm going to run up to Dallas over the weekend, and see my other boy, Bucky!!!  Got my Meet and Greet on Monday!!!  So I'm good to go, just gotta pack a bag and get some gas!!  I've invited alot of people to come to the FREE show, and alot had made plans, but slowly but surely seems like most of them had things that came up that kept them from coming!  Dang it anyway!!  Oh well, he'll be back in a year or two!!  Ha ha!!  Thats about all  the sooner he gets to Texas....not often!!  

I'm going to try to post a video I got of him earlier this year, and most of you might be surprised to find out that Bucky "rocks" a "Pink Floyd" tune!!!  Southern Rock style!!  So if it will it is:

When I get back from my show on Sunday, I will try to set down and do a total recap for yall!!  This will have to do until I can get to another Casey show!!  I hope Casey and Bucky meet soon, I just know Bucky would really like Casey's personality!!  I'm gonna urge him to look him up and invite him out to his farm, and show him a little hospitality, since Casey's the new kid in town!!  They got the 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, ponds, and a brick thing they use like a fireplace outside.  I can't think of what they're called, but you can roast marshmallows and weiners and such on it!  It's like an open fire, but more safe, I think.  Anyway, Casey would have alot of fun with Bucky and his group out there!  I think the 'Kings of Leon' guys live down the road from him.....maybe they could all hook up and play some music by the fire!    And what I'd give to be a fly on the wall for that one!!  Ha ha ha!!  Well, I guess I can wish can't I?? :)

Here's another one of my favorite Casey shots.....just because......

It's the only shot I've ever seen his hair blow dried out straight.....and it still looks awesome!!  Great hair.....just can never look matter what! :)

Ok, yall....I'm heading out for now, I'll be back on Sunday and let yall know what Bucky said about Casey!!  I'll have some pics and videos for ya too!!  See ya then......take care.......

Here's a little 'sumtin' special for yall.....A photo shoot done at AI that I didn't know about till I saw it!!!!  Cool huh???  Sometimes I wish it would stop though..... :)  Later!!


  1. You crack me up with the suggestion of being a fly on the wall at a Bucky & Casey gathering. It would blow my mind too, honestly!!!

    Thanks for the video clip of Bucky - it really shows the difference between Bucky and Casey with one being so extroverted and connected to the audience and the other getting lost in the zone and the audience going there with him. So interesting.

    Have a blast seeing Bucky again!

  2. Glenda ,im still so upset im not going to get to go to Dallas. But im going to Raney,la. next saturday, if i have to walk.LOL. Im still going to get that birthday present we talked about.Sure hope he wants to share a little of it.ha ha!!!The frog fess, we aught to have us a hopping good time.LOL!!!Linda

  3. @Mississaugamom2 GIRL!!!! You hit the nail on the head!!! That is beautiful what you said and so very very true!!!! Thank you for those beautiful descriptions of both the boys.....just awesome!!!!!!
