Here is what Aimee Mayo tweeted last night at the afterparty.....
Ascap Awards last nite @silvertire & pickler won awards finally met Casey James -after party jam session N studio- he’s amazing on guitar.
Read the whole page of very interesting facts and news about Casey and a few other Idols most of us have heard of at "MJsBigBlog-Idols Gone Country"
At this time, I could not find a picture anywhere of Casey on the Red Carpet, but maybe something will surface soon! This is such great news for our boy, and I'm just so excited for him, I feel like screaming to the world, "Told ya So"!
It looks like Nashville is going to welcome him with open arms, and I'm proud to say that I predicted that about 6 months ago and also that he would be signed with Capitol Records! Well, I was not exactly right about Capitol, per se....but.....Capitol IS owned by Sony Nashville, and is a sister company to BNA! So....I was close.....
Just a quick reminder, and there will be more, about the 44th Annual CMA Awards show airing on November 10th at 8/7c on ABC. Casey will definitely be at this show, but it would be awesome to see him perform or be a presenter at this show! That could be a possibility, but I'm not sure about anything. Click on the link above and follow them on Facebook, Twitter,Myspace and Youtube! We can send them messages and ask that Casey be included in the show this year, and maybe they will listen to us, if enough of us ask! So, if you get a chance just a quick message should do the trick! Thanks to all of you!
I know that some of you are beginning to get impatient with Casey not tweeting anyone. I'm asking all of you to please.....please give him time! We have no clue how much his life has changed, but we can imagine. But I don't think we can even come close to imagining how MUCH it has changed. Everything he was accustomed to doing before the show, is no more! It's all gone, the life he knew before he got on that plane for Hollywood is now his past! He will never again know the comfort of walking down the street, going in a Mall, or even buying a cup of coffee without someone noticing who he is! Can you imagine? Just put yourself in his shoes for just a minute, and think about it.....all the normal things we take for granted, like driving to the store, or going to a movie, or eating at a restaurant, we can do those things and most certainly will not be mobbed by people, interupting what we are trying to do, to get an autograph, or a hug, or a picture or to ask a question, or just to talk to won't happen to us.....but it will happen to him, and has been happening to him for a while now! All he is asking is just a little down time! He's not leaving us forever.....he needs a break from us.....he needs a break from all the questions, the pictures, the screams! He still loves us, and we are a very important part of his life, but we need to back off, and give him his space.... his peace of mind. Let him relax and rejuvenate his soul....he needs that so much. That is what we can do to help him right now! He is already starting to get going on the new life, by jetting to LA and back to Nashville, but that's all part of his career, and it's just the beginning, and we need to let him know, we'll be here for him till the end....supporting him in his brand new journey as a country music artist! We loved and supported him all the way through Idol and on the Tour, we cannot abandon him all of you who are getting catty and's not about YOU! It's about Casey, so get off your high horse and get back on the Casey Train.....he needs you and we need you!!! Please don't fill up my comments with a bunch of hate , if you don't like what I'm saying, you must not be a true Casey fan anyway.....just sayin'......
I'm going to say 'see ya later' and I'll leave you all with these beautiful Casey moments......

Thanks to American Idol for the 1st and last pictures and to Sara P. for the middle one.
Glenda-so glad you said what I've been thinking. Leave the poor man alone! There are thousands of us and one of him! Let's be a help and not a hinderence. He hasn't forgotten about us. Thanks for keeping us updated Glenda.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. It is fine with me that Casey is focusing on his career right now. He will tweet when he has something to say. I'm sure the tour and the fans were overwelming for him. He can't reach all of us, all of the time. We need to be patient. I, for one, need a break from Twitter anyways:)
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU GLENDA!! I agree with you 100000%! I think as fans we need to support him, no matter what! Of course everyone misses him, but those who truly care will remember the dedication he had to his fans throughout the entire tour! And now that he is starting (yet another) new life, we need to have his back, keep his name buzzing out there, and show him how much he really means to us..twitter or no twitter! We don't even know if it's his decision to "tweet" or "not tweet" - Sony may have some say in that now(?). Maryanne
ReplyDeleteI agree
ReplyDeleteThanks you Glenda !I agree with you absolutely!May God bless us all at Caseymania.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update, Glenda! Casey's break is a break for us also. The competition and tour experience was fun, but we all do have real lives, friends and family that need attention too. For most of us, the Casey journey was a fun break from reality, but we, like Casey, need to keep perspective to be truly happy with it all. We've gained so much from the experience, and the spring and summer of 2010 will forever be in a class of its own! I look forward to checking in and staying in touch! Y'all rock!
ReplyDeleteGlenda, I agree with you complitely. It's absolutely a good thing for Casey to set himself apart from everything for awhile. It's been a life changing year for him and we really cannot understand what he's going through right now. Let's give him space and time. He is a human being. He'll be back when he's ready for it.
ReplyDeleteAMEN Sista!!!! It really gets my blood boiling when I read posts that insinuate that Casey has forgotten his fans.... but it's not my place to chime in really, so Thank You so much for posting this!!! Not only has his freedom been reduced to almost none, but you're talking about a guy that (before Idol) didn't even have a TV or Internet! We have NO idea what's going on right now with him and I can only assume that this new chapter in his life is becoming even more chaotic than Idol was! Not to mention the fact that his health hasn't been the best and the hardships that his own family is facing at the moment!!! You hit the nail on the head: It's NOT about US right now! People need to put themselves in HIS shoes for a moment and get off their soapboxes! If I thought, for a moment, that Casey didn't care about his fans I wouldn't still be the loyal fan I am today! Casey went above and beyond, during Idol, to make time for his fans and never failed to show his appreciation to us. I haven't, quickly, forgotten that just because he's taking a little (well deserved) time for himself and trying to adjust to all the huge changes in his life..... If you truly loved and supported him then, you should do the same for him now, more than ever! When Casey returns, his true fans will be waiting for him and I plan on being ONE of them!!! He's earned that!
I may not know Casey personally, but I know that he would never forget his fans and that he still loves and appreciates us! He just has so much going on right now and I truly believe that he needs this break to accomplish what he needs to do. I believe that all of the social networking he has been doing these last so many months is very new for him and he has had to get used to all of it. His life has changed so much compared to what it used to be! They may be good changes, but Casey needs some time to adjust to it all. I will always be his fan and be here to support him!
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is that Casey is trying to distance himself from the idol label. Looks like most of the idols are staying in touch with each other by tweeting back and forth but I haven't seen mention of Casey from them. So, I think he is playing it smart and trying to let the idol thing wear off. Sometimes former idols get dissed or not taken serious because of the reality tv thing. Casey knows what he is doing and is very deliberate. So, he will surface when he is good and ready and not a minute before.
ReplyDeleteI second everything U said Glenda! TY so much!! Everyone must remember Casey was very sick towards the end of the concert! His body as well as his mind and spirit need time to recover and just absorb everything that has gone on with him over the last year! I'm sure it can all be a little overwhelming for him and his family!
ReplyDeleteCasey nor his family have abandoned anyone and we don't need to abandon him either! Love and continued support is what they all need right now! They are only human ! Please remember that! So--
WHERE'S THE LOVE people!?!?!
Thank you to all the comments!!! I'm so extremely happy that yall see things like I do!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Glenda! I never felt abandoned by Casey! I've followed one other very popular singer from AI and KNOW that their life changes so dramatically! They go from everyday life to being thrust into the public eye which is a two edged sword. I'm so happy for Casey!! I just know he will do tremendously well and exceed all expectations!! I'm here for the long haul!! I love Casey James and his family!! MAE777
ReplyDeleteThank you, Glenda. He is going to be so big he won't have to tweet. We will see and hear him everywhere. He will always be in our hearts!
Glenda- you are right as usual, my dear. Casey does need some time and space and we just need to be PATIENT! The whole fame-thing must be difficult to adjust to, not being able to go anywhere without being recognized, that must be just CRAZY for Casey! That is great news that he went to the ASCAP awards and met Aimee Mayo and that he impressed her and that she wants to co-write with him! I hope a picture surfaces from there, too! BTW, and I apologize for getting off the subject, but did you see America's Got Talent Finale last night? I am so happy that Michael Grimm won! He sings with so much soul, you can just feel it! He is so talented, humble, has a great background story, and is a sweet southern gentleman. Hmmm...Remind you of anyone we know???
ReplyDeleteYes, Robyn! ;) I've been following Michael Grimm's story! Fantastic that he won last amazing!
ReplyDeleteRobyn, thanks for your comment! And YEEEESSSSS!!! Just like Casey, I chose Michael Grimm on his first AGT performance to support! And I also said he would win this whole thing!! I'm so ecstatic that he won and I can't wait to see him LIVE!! And YES, his whole demeaner, his backstory, his humble, gracious, sweet attitude, absolutely reminds me of Casey!! And he sure is s southern gentleman and I think he is so good looking too!!! And when he sang "When A Man Loves A Woman"....I teared up....there's just something about that blusey type music that makes me cry, I think it's because I 'feel'it when they sing!!! I sure hope Michael gets a record deal! I know he will be headlining the show in Vegas, and on the first ever AGT Tour!!! I'm going to see the show when it comes to Dallas, if the tickets are not outrageous that is!!! I would love to see Michael and Casey on the same stage at the same time.....OMG.....what a treat that would be!!!!
ReplyDeleteIm a fan for a lifetime...I will support Casey all the time.
ReplyDeleteGlenda, I'm glad you put into words what a lot of us are thinking. Let the man do what he has to do.
ReplyDeleteLove you Casey.
Glenda, I will support Casey in everything he does. We don't need to know his every move and we all need to be patient as Casey gets prepared to do his album. Think of it this way it's the calm before the storm! Once the world hears and knows what Casey is all about they will all know what we've known for the past year. He is a SUPERSTAR in every sense of the word and I am so proud to be his fan.
ReplyDeleteSusan/St. Louis
Glenda, Robyn and Gloria - I also voted for Michal Grimm, and cried when he won. He reminds me so much of Casey. Glenda, I also loved him from the first audition, just as with Casey. When asked how it was to sing with Jewel he said he "was honored" - a Casey trademark phrase! "MICHAEL GRIMM opening for CASEY JAMES" = an arena full of cougars crying and passing out! And again, as I stated this morning regarding Casey - Thank you for saying what most of us feel!:) Maryanne
ReplyDeleteps - Michael Grimm will be on Ellen tomorrow.
ReplyDelete@Maryanne!! I love your equation!! those 2 added together certainly does equal an arena full of cougars crying and passing out!! CLOL!!!!! That's so funny!!! Thanks I needed that laugh!! And the Casey trademark phrase....girl, that was on the money!!! Those two young men are going to take the music world by storm!!! I hope Michael gets a record deal! Wait! What am I saying, he could just start his own label, he's a millionaire!! LOL!! When he could see he did not expect to beat that little girl, his jaw dropped and he was in a state of shock for while!! I was crying and telling hubby, his sweet little grandparents will never have to worry about anything again!!! 'waaaaaahhhhh!!! Cried like a baby!! love that guy and all he stands for, just like our Casey!! I sooo hope they get to meet real soon!!!
ReplyDeleteOh no, I go back to work tomorrow and I don't have a tevo or whatever those recording things are!! I'll have to catch it online, but I'll have my iphone with me, so I'll just check around and find it and see it online while I'm at work!! Thanks for the news!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Glenda! I cannot even imagine what the last year must have been like for CJ. Being sick on top of the schedule, I would want to have a few week vacation. Besides, he values his family and friends and needs time with them.
ReplyDeleteGlenda- Just peeked at Casey's twitter not expecting to see anything and he just put up a yellow note! Sounds like he had great time in Nashville and said he even met Alan Jackson (one of my favs, BTW!) I think our boy is being received quite well there! The PATIENCE has paid off! I am SO excited for him, this is such great news!!!
ReplyDeleteGlenda, I love reading your blog. I love the way you write and the very cute seemingly stern way you say it like you see it, and then there's that.....just sayin' the end which to me is kinda like adding whipped cream and a cherry on the top to make it all happy again!! So cute,...just saying'..;) No hate mail here, only love and appreciation for all the hard work you put into this post so we could all stay informed. Love the new look by the way. I know Casey needed a rest; I'm trying to be patient and realize silence is golden and we will see more of him when he's ready. I was very happy to hear Casey went to the ASCAP awards. I wish him the very best in his career. I hope his health is returning and that he stays well so he can handle the heavy schedule he will be facing.