Well.....I hate to say it......but I told ya so. I knew Casey would be in touch when he was ready to. It's not up to us.....it's his decision when he contacts us! So....now that he has, I couldn't be happier about what he had to say!!! For those of you who don't twitter.....here's the yellow note we love so much!! :) 
Is he excited or what??? See?? What a bunch of rest and relaxation does for him?? Now yall try to calm down and know that he's not gonna leave for very long....he'll be in touch!!!
And......since he was having such a blast in Nashville with his new label and all, he got to see first hand his name on the BNA artist plaque!!! Can you see the pride in his face (bearded face....that is??) lol!!
Awwww....that is so sweet!!! ok, gotta stop, I'm tearing up now.....that is a sight for sore eyes....it is!!! I can see him beaming with pride as he stands pointing to his name on a brand new record label that is going to take him into the future to being a household name in no time!! I am just so proud of him, and proud for him!! His momma must be on cloud 9 right now!!! Oh, and his brother too, of course!!
I know all of you are so excited for him!!! Next step.....a record!! I hope he gets in the studio quickly.....I'm anxious to hear that first song!!!!! :)
Ok, yall.....this is all I can do for now, believe it or not......I go back to work today!!! Yay!!!! I've been needing to get back, cause this setting at home is making me fatter!!! Hehehehe!! Ok, I'll probably be back late tonight after my shift, I'll be working from 5 to 11 or 12 tonight. Talk to all of you then!! Later.......
ReplyDeleteThat is the best picture of Casey ever! No amount of beard could ever hide that jubilant smile, and he couldn't have been placed in a better spot!! Sending out a giant Love You Casey scream and a big You Done Good Hug!!! My very best wishes for Casey as always.
ReplyDeleteThats our boy!!! Straight to the top - right where we knew he would be when we voted!! :) :)
I haven't checked this site in a few days, but am I getting this right? Some fans are upset because Casey has been out of sight for a while?I think we all need to chill and let Casey work on establishing himself in the country arena. I'm a huge country fan, and he needs to focus on himself right now, and make some life-changing decisions. He has a lot of work to do, and I think as his fans we need to support him. If he has time to tweet, he will...if not, then he's too busy. We all want Casey to succeed, and we need to realize that is not going to happen if he has to constantly worry about his fans feeling neglected. He isn't neglecting us, he is working and making very important connections right now...just as he should be doing to help his career. We all need to be patient and not doubt that he realizes how much his fans mean to him. We need to cut the guy some slack and let him do what he needs to do right now. Yes, I miss all the news and updates on him, but I know how sweet it will be once his single is released, followed by his album...By the way, I don't care for the beard...I'm more of a stubble or goatee kind of gal, but the hair looks great!! The pic is amazing!!!! As usual, Glenda, I know exactly where to go to get my Casey fix...THANKS!! Everyone have a great weekend!! I apologize if I've insulted anyone, but I'm just sayin...
We just downright love you, Casey James. We're so proud to follow this ride with you. Some day some young artist is going to tweet "and today I met CASEY JAMES!!!!"
ReplyDeleteKaren Smith (kdsaa4)
@Karen What a great thought! Casey will be a terrific role model!
ReplyDelete@Glenda Love the new background! Lovely and peaceful.
Just visiting this site,Im not into tweeter, but im also a bit worried when i read that he didnt tweet for 2 weeks. We fans, love casey so much and we must give him an unconditional love, tweets or he not tweets.
ReplyDeleteGlenda...love the new background! Your writing style...love it. You always make me laugh!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great morning...a yellow note and a truly beautiful picture! I keep going back to have a look at it...all day...I can't help myself. :)
ReplyDeleteGlenda , love your background, so relaxing! Thanks for posting Casey's yellow note and him pointing to his Casey James Band label!! I'm so happy for him and his family! This is a real milestone for him and it couldn't happen to a more wonderful person! He's a true musician/singer/songwriter and gentleman! We have the evidence!! MAE777
ReplyDeleteGlenda,what a great picture of Casey - he looks so happy as he points to his new label name. So happy to read the yellow note and I knew it was just a matter of time before we would hear from him. He loves his fans and we love him. I will say it again - I am proud to be a fan of this genuinely talented amazing musician/singer from Cool Texas. We all know you are a SUPERSTAR!!
ReplyDeleteSusan/St. Louis
So happy for him and Love the beard :)
Love Casey, but the beard has to go...
ReplyDeleteThanks y'all!! My new background served it's purpose!! That's exactly what I was trying to accomplish!! I was trying to get everybody to calm down and not worry!! I knew he would be back in contact with us when he was ready! :)!! He was just taking a little break! Thanks to all of you who read caseymania!! I really appreciate your support!!
ReplyDeleteHa ha I'm not crazy 'bout the beard either!
ReplyDeleteHey ladies-I personally like the beard but those that don't consider this. Maybe Casey is trying to "cover up" some of his beautiful face so that isn't all people see when he meets them in Nashville. We know what beauty and talent lie beneath but maybe he's trying to remove that distraction so people HEAR him and not just SEE him. I know for me personally it's a lot easier to hear him when I'm not looking at him! My eyes are so busy drinking in all that beauty my ears can't hear as well! He also may be trying to be taken more seriously by the new male population that will see and hear him for the first time. Guys will probably be more likely to take him seriously if he isn't so "pretty". Casey isn't the type to do something for no reason. No doubt he's thought long and hard about the first impression he wants to make in Nashville. We already love him no matter what!
ReplyDeleteHope I didn't sound snarky with that last post! Just something I'd been thinking about! Love you all!
ReplyDeleteAnon 5:24PM, you make a really good point!! He is so beautiful it hurts and feels good to look at him at the same time! I hate to compare him to a beautiful painting or portrait, but he does mesmerize when you look at him! He has such a beautiful soul and when it mixes with his exterior, his beauty is overwhelming!! Thanks for a possible good point! Something to think about:) Besides the fact that he has the most awesome raw gifts vocally and the best guitar I've ever heard! I could listen to him all day every day if there wasn't other things that have to be done.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't sound snarky at all (Anon 5:47PM) I actually found what you wrote very interesting...first impression and all. You make a very good point, indeed :)
ReplyDeleteYes, Anon 5:47 I had actually thought that too, about him growing the beard to set himself up as an artist for Sony Nashville and do away with the contestant for American Idol! It could be that Sony suggested that he change his image of what he had become known for....the pretty face, along with all the cougar hype! And also being called the "Casey James Band" instead of Casey James....yea....it kinda is starting to look that way! They may be trying to shed the Am. Idol image of Casey James! Sounds good to me, I'll take the beard, if it means him not ever having to answer another Cougar question!! :)
ReplyDeleteGood news!!! Gino Melendez who is Casey's hair dresser says he is just sporting the beard for now and that he is going to shave it!!
ReplyDeleteSusan/St Louis
A couple of days ago I commented on the beard hiding the beauty so people wouldn't be distracted. Then this morning I see a black and white photo of Casey in Nashville with a couple of people he'd met. I've now decided some forces of nature can't be stopped! There is no way to hide the true beauty radiating from him. Guess we'll all just have to deal with it!
ReplyDeleteGlenda I just got back after two weeks to get to read your Caseymania and now I am pretty up on what is going on with Casey. I noticed the picture of Casey showing the plack with his name on it and it say Casey James Band, so it looks like that will be his name and maybe they are keeping his band. That maybe a good sign as it did not say Casey James. Just thought that might be a start of how it is going to be. Hope so I think it looks good for Billy