Monday, August 16, 2010

Idols had a day off and now in San Diego, Ca. for their show tonight

Hey yall!  I hope everyone is having a good Monday....I know, sometimes Mondays are a drag, especially if you've had a exciting and fun weekend seeing Casey and the Idols, but hey, we gotta pay the bills, right?  So it's back to work we go!
I do believe the glasses may be helping me with the dizziness.  I was going to jump in the truck and run up and down the road to see if I ran off in the ditch, but I never got around to this afternoon, I will!  Wish me luck!!  I'll let yall know how it turns out, and if I had to call my insurance company! Ha Ha!  I live way out in the country, so I'm pretty sure, I'm not gonna hurt anybody if I get in the ditch....and hopefully not myself!  No....I'm just kiddin', but I am gonna try to drive because I want to go to the Key's Lounge tomorrow night and visit with some people and watch Billy's been way too long!  And don't worry, my hubby will be with me, and I know when I shouldn't drive.  I'll be real careful....promise!
I still don't have anything from Mountain View, Ca. but we'll move on, and maybe something will come in, within the next few days or so!  The Idols were off yesterday, and I havn't been on twitter much to see if  Big Mike and Andrew found a strangers house to go to and video a segment of Late Night Sandwich, San Diego Edition, or if Casey is MIA as ususal.  But I will try and find out what all they did, if anything, on their day off.  I have realized that little Aaron is quite the photographer!  His shots are off the wall awesome!  Makes me a bit jealous that this kid is a way better photographer than me!  I love photography but I just don't know alot about it, but I'm learning!  I've learned that the 2 yr old Fugi I have is trash!!  It takes great pictures as long as the subject is within 12 or 15  feet of it....but any further, and all I get is lots of grainy shots, and I can't stand it any longer!  I will be shopping for a new camera soon!

Well, the Idols are in San Diego tonight, in Andrew's neck o' the woods!  So I'm sure he'll have a big crowd of supporters there tonight!  Good for him, he's a good kid, and sweet as pie too!

I came across something quite interesting earlier, and I know this will put a smile on your face, and giggle or two also!!  I don't know how many of you remember the guy named Russ Weakland, but he was the one who interviewed Casey a while back with the title, "the best Casey James interview you never read".....well, he's back, and Casey loves this guy, he asks questions that are interesting and different.  So see what he has to say to Casey now >>>>>>>>>check him out>>>>>> "Exclusive Casey James Interview"

I came across a new picture and I'm not 100% positive who this picture belongs to, but it's a good one, and if it's yours....please let me know in a comment and I will credit you!!  Thanks!!

In the interview up above, I couldn't help but laugh about what Casey names some of his guitars.....What???  The blue one is the 'mine' one, the turqois one is the blue one....the white one is the black one???  Ok.....I give up.....the only thing I can say is......"Casey, hon, are you colorblind"??  I hope he's not really color blind, cause I'd feel really bad if he were and I'm joking about it!!

I'll be the first to admit, I don't really like everything Hans Ebert says, in his articles, but I still respect him as a writer.  I don't have to like everything he says, thats the cool thing about writing and writers.  Don't always agree, but he's good, and I like reading his stuff.   Here's his latest mention of Casey and there are alot of good comments too!  Read it "Here"

I'll be back later with more......

I'm back!  And I finally found something from Mountain View!!  It's not a picture or a video......but it is a concert goer's take on how well he/she liked Casey James' set!!  Couldn't find out if it was a gal or a guy!!  :D  And this was a Lee fan during the A I Season!!!!  I love these kinds of recaps.....just firms up what I've said all along....Casey is the Star of this show!!!  (ummm...... love ya Lee.......mean it!!) LOL!!

Read what he/she says below!!

Mr. Pretty (Big Mike’s choice of words to describe Casey James, not mine) was exactly how you expect him to be: A freaking fantastic guitar player who also happens to sing. Perhaps this isn’t giving Casey his due credit, as his vocals were stronger than they ever managed to be on the show. I applaud Casey for divorcing himself from the negative criticism he received on the show for being too “jam band”, because the band-like quality is exactly what endeared him to the audience. I will say that I was slightly thrown off by the interjection of Don’t, but I suppose Casey’s fingers were owed a well-due rest after the bombastic electric guitar playing they did on the Black Keys number. Kudos to Casey for picking my favorite song of the evening, It’s All Over Now, which every over-forty member of the audience screamed along to (including my starstruck mother).

 Now thats the kind of recap I like to read....I'm so glad I decided to share it with all of you!!  I even found the last line....well, a bit hilarious!!!  lol.....I'm so over all the cougar stuff.... :)

                                                                                                                                                                   I'm so excited!!!  I found a new picture!!!!   And I don't know what show it's from, and it don't really matter......this is a great picture of Casey!!!!  I love this!!  Thanks so much to ChelcLynn for this awesome shot!!

I found a really cool interview posted by the Sacramento Bee.  The answers Casey gave are really good!!  The Idols will be playing there on Wednesday, so it's a pre-show interview.  There was so much other stuff before it got to Casey's interview, so I just copied and pasted here so yall wouldn't have to wade through the rest of the muck!!  Read on.....this is good!   Oh, and shutting down for the to yall tomorrow!!

One more picture before I go.....enjoy!!

Many thanks to bleudreams for another of their beautiful crystal clear shots!!

Who will stand out at Wednesday's show?

It could be third-place finisher Casey James, 28, the goldilocks guitar guy who impressed the judges at his audition in Denver. The Bee caught up with James before a recent tour stop in Phoenix. He yawned (over the phone) a lot and promptly apologized.
You and the other "Idols" have been on tour since early July. Between the buses and baggage, how are you holding up?
You know, I've been doing music so long it would take a lot more than singing four songs a night to get me worn out. I'm having the time of my life, especially meeting the fans, because they're the ones who supported me.
You were raised in Cool, Texas, so the recent Dallas stop was close to home. One newspaper reported you paid $3.25 for 12 taquitos and hot sauce. Was it a hoot to be back in longhorn country?
I'll be honest. We rolled into Dallas at about 4 a.m. I had someone pick me up so I could spend some time at home. I got about 21/2 hours at the house. It was a gift from above. It just rejuvenated my soul. Now I feel like I could be gone another eight months. I hadn't been home (since the show wrapped), and I was worried about my dogs. Now it's OK.
You're no longer isolated like on the show. What's the mood regarding all the changes that are taking place?
It will be a totally different show next season. There will be new judges and a different band. (Musical director Rickey Minor left to join "The Tonight Show.") It might be a million percent better. You never really know.
For the tour, how was song selection handled?
The show was very generous with allowing us to choose our own songs. I'll definitely be playing guitar. (One review of an earlier concert noted James will perform a duet with Michael Lynche: "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?")
Any high or low expectations being with the same nine people for weeks on end? Has your look changed as the tour progresses?
I love traveling, going to new places and playing music. And it helps being older. There will always be a bond between all of us. I still look the same. I think I have a sharp eye for fashion, especially cowboy boots.
When the tour ends, what are your plans?
Well, I'm letting you in on some news. I'm going to be working with Sony in Nashville, making a record. I'm pretty excited. And then, going out on my own, and that will be the chance to see the real Casey.


  1. Glenda - check out the Canon Powershot camera. It takes great pics, is easy to use and can even do a little video.

    Looking forward to seeing you at Keys tomorrow!

    Enjoyed Russ' interview with Casey. But I am bummed that he asked the same question I did about guitar names.

  2. This is Sheryl right? Please tell me I'm right....from somewhere close to Dallas with a starting letter of 'C'....I want to say Collyville, but that's not right, it's not that long of a name....hmmmm sorry girl, my memory is not what it used to be, but I think you are the writer, among other things! Please let me know ok? I know....that was your question!! But what a mix up of guitar does he do it?!?
    Ok, I def. will check out that camera, I need a great one, not just a good one!
    So glad to hear you will be at the Key's tomorrow night! It's gonna be jammed packed in there!!

  3. I'm so envious of you being close enough to go to Key's Lounge. I've watched those videos from Keys Lounge so many times, I feel like I know the place and would enjoy going there. And BC is playing there - now I'm really envious!
    I love that interview with Russ Weakland - somehow it all made sense (the guitar names) - that was quite funny.

    I ran across two short videos I'd never seen before - perhaps you have.
    At GMA, Casey jumps off the stage to give someone a guitar pick

    and after show in Mansfield MA, plays a fan's guitar


  4. @ Glenda Yes, it's Sheryl from Coppell. I submitted my first story about Casey which should be published in the September issue of Nashville Music Guide. I will post a link as soon as it comes out.

    @AT Keys Lounge is worth the trip to Fort Worth. Super friendly people, marvelous music. It is my new favorite hang-out!

  5. @poloprincess, please don't forget to post the link to your story on Casey. I can't wait to read it! I can't seem to get enough material to read when it's about Casey! Thanks, Glenda, for all the reading material on Casey today. Love reading about him! I love this're doing an amazing job!!

    Rachel :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Casey looks gorgeous in the pics! I don't think I've ever seen a bad picture of this guy! The interview was a good one, thanks for posting it! I think, all in all, a pretty good info day, Glenda! Thanks so much!!

  8. Thanks Glenda! Great pics! Great interviews! Always read all I possibly can about Casey. I'm so excited for him, his mom, BC, all his folks who love him, and us his fans! MAE777
