Anyway, if you'd like to look back on everything that happened since I've been gone, go see my friend Jenn at Casey James Weekly Highlights because so much happened, there is no way I could catch up. So pay her a visit, she does a fantastic job of keeping up with everything Casey James!
Anyway, while I was gone, Casey and the guys were running around in Florida, Indiana, North Carolina on a Yacht, no less....Georgia & stopped off at the Opry, cuz they were in the area (lol) ...... oh..... and the new video for Crying on a Suitcase was officially released on 8/27!!! And you can buy yours on iTunes right now!!! And I'll post it below in a minute. I finally heard the song on the radio for the 1st time, on my Waco, Tx. station TODAY!!! It was played at about 6:36pm.!!! I was so thrilled!!! I immediately called them up and thanked them for playing it!! And told them that I would love to hear BOTH of Casey's songs on the radio, and they said they would be playing both!! That is the best news.....finally.... a country station in my area, is getting behind our Tx boy!!
And now....I give to you..... Casey James in ....
"Crying on a Suitcase"
"Crying on a Suitcase"
Real quick I wanted to give yall the air times on GACtv.com for this awesome new video! You can also click the link above any other day to find the times it airs. Just type Casey's name in the search box and scroll down a little.
Upcoming video airtimes for "Casey James" for Thursday August 30
Approx. Air Time* | Title | Artist |
06:27 AM | Crying On A Suitcase | Casey James |
12:34 AM | Crying On A Suitcase | Casey James |
11:40 PM | Crying On A Suitcase | Casey James |
*All times are Eastern(ET)
And one more kinda big thing happened.....he debuted for the first time LIVE, another song from his album, "Tough Love"!!! And from what I could tell, the crowd was really digging it!!! Listen for yourself and see....this is a great song, and he sounded beautiful with the rock edge going on!!!
Tough Love (thanks to luvscaseyjames)
Casey sent us all one of the sweetest 'yellow notes' I've ever seen. See for yourself....
I wonder how many other artists connect with their fans in this way?! I'm guessing not many.... he really is a sweetie, with a big 'ole heart full o' love.... makes me just wanna just squeeze him right now.... :-)
And.... couple days ago I was up late and on twitter, and Casey tweeted this.... mmm so sweet.
Casey James Blessed for the things in his career....
Wednesday night was the first of 3 shows this week. He was in Walla Walla, Washington, and I don't have anything on the show just yet, but probably something will come in pretty soon. Dino posted this on Facebook yesterday:
This week's schedule:
08/29 Casey James at the Walla Walla County Fairgrounds in Walla Walla, WA
09/01 Casey James at Center Stage on the Waterfront in Rockford, IL
09/02 Casey James at the Daniel Boone Pioneer festival in Winchester Kentucky
Thanks for all of your support and hope to see you at a show soon!
Casey sure knows how to pick 'em don't he?? It seems like all his bandmates are like him, really humble and kind and just good people with big 'ole loving hearts! Nothing better.....
Here are a few random pics, before I head out of here!! All these were taken in the last couple weeks and in different places....enjoy!!
The first 2 were taken at the N.C. show by Pam W. Gotta love the Casey Laugh!! Thanks girl!
This one was in Indiana by Melinda T. thanks!!
Kenneth Hawkins from Indiana State Fair

Here are a few screencaps from the video.... Casey is such a good actor, I had to take a few screencaps, he was so very good as he portrayed the guy who lost his love to an airplane..... lol ..... plus....can you find the silhouette and actual plane taking off in the video?? I can also hear a plane somewhere in the video....can you?? Just a little fun trivia to see how sharp yall are!! Leave me a comment if ya know! :-D Hahahaaa!! Enjoy.....
Ok, my peeps, I gotta go fix some breakfast for my hard working hubby, yall have a great day, and keep the people of New Orleans and the surrounding areas who were in the path of Isaac, in your prayers and good thoughts....these people have been through a lot, and they really need a break.
Take care....I'll see yall soon....