Friday, January 20, 2012

Casey James talks about his Opry debut..... plus more!

Well, I'm back, but my computer is still not wanting to behave itself.  But I'm gonna try to get through this post, if possible! 

Just a couple days ago, The Casey James Blog got a chance to talk with Casey on the phone, and he shed some light on all those fans coming to see him and how he's feeling about stepping out on that stage at the Grand 'Ole Opry for the first time.  Here's the conversation....

TCJB: How did you feel when you heard you’d be making your debut – before your first record even came out?
Casey:  I was excited! I am very happy and proud to have been asked. At the same time I have to say that I am a little sad that my Paw Paw isn’t around to be there.
TCJB: Did you know that dozens and dozens of fans are making a special pilgrimage just to be there for your debut? What does it mean to have such loyal, dedicated fans who want to be there to share in all your big moments?
Casey: Actually, yes I do know about it. I like to stop by Twitter and catch up with what people are talking about and I love that so many of my fans are making the trip. It’s very touching to me to know they are as excited about this as I am. Their support is the only reason that I have gotten to this point, they deserve to be there as much as I do.
TCJB: You’ve been playing live for a dozen years, so you probably don’t get nervous. But do you think you’ll have any butterflies before you step out onto the circle?
Casey: As of right now I have been back and forth about it. I never do have nerves, but then again this is the Opry.
Thanks to TCJB for posting their interview with Casey.

I am so glad he lurks around on twitter finding out what we're talking about!  I need to be tweeting a lot more often than I do, and I will..... I Will.......I'm gonna get right on that!  :)
I also loved his response about being on that Opry stage for the 1st time.....and I can see now, how bittersweet it's gonna be, without his Paw Paw there.  :(   I think I read somewhere that his momma is going, but I don't know about any of the rest of the family.  I hope they all get to come out to see this once in a lifetime moment.

It has not been confirmed yet, but Casey is coming back to Billy Bobs in Fort Worth!!!   I don't have anything yet that's official for you because I couldn't find anything, but I'm just going by the word of a friend.  And I am so glad to hear this, because it's 3 days after the release of his new album, on March 23rd!!!  Maybe it's the CD release party!!!   :)   :)  I only hope it is!!!!!!   I will post the official announcement as soon as I find it!!

Earlier I saw that a fan (thanks Ana) had posted this piece from about past American Idols and what they looked like before Idol, and wouldn't ya know....our Casey made the cut!!  It's a school picture, and he looks maybe 12...ish??  But has that blonde hair, and get this...... it's straight as a board!!  I was shocked when I saw that!!  But anyway, click on the link below to check out Casey and other American Idols, and see who you can pick out!!  :)  I only managed to figure out about 3 of them....see if you can do better!  :)

'American Idols.....Before They Were Stars

Ok yall....I gotta get out of here now......don't forget, on the sidebar you'll find the links to GAC Top 20 Countdown, CMT 12-Pack and Top 20 Countdown.  Feel free to click on the permanant links on the left to vote for Casey's video!'s at #31 this week, so keep calling those DJ's and asking to hear Casey's single!!!

Have a good one everybody.....I'll be back soon.....

Until then.....


  1. Glad to see your back Glenda and hope your computer behaves itself! I think that Billy Bob's would be a perfect place for Casey's cd release show and I sure wish I could be there!

  2. I wish you could too Karen!! My 'puter is ok for now, but it acts up if I've been on it too long. And yes, I can see that show being the party for the CD release!! And he's HOME too, even better!!
