Thursday, December 8, 2011

WBEE yesterday in Rochester & Saddle Ridge in Pittsburgh tonight!

Casey certainly is busy these days!!  I am finding it difficult to keep up, thats for sure!!  Sometimes I just post stuff on the **CASEYMANIA** Facebook  page, instead of writing it up here.   So let's get right to it!!

 Well, it seems Casey is more than a music artist, he might very well be referred to as the next Picasso!!  lol  Casey was asked to paint a picture to the theme...."Your Favorite Love Song".  Ok, let's see where this goes!  Casey did not choose one of his own, but one by Amos Lee.  :)  We all know he is one of Casey's favorite artists.  So.....Casey submitted a painting of his visual idea of the song "Colors".  You can listen to it  HERE..... and I have to say, I had not heard it before, but it is beautiful!!  Take a moment to listen to the song that inspired Casey's artwork!!  At this moment it is up on Ebay, being auctioned off to the highest bidder!!  And the proceeds go to benefit the Collin County Children's Advocacy Center ( in Plano, Texas. So get your bid in if you want this one of a kind piece of art!!  Right now the bid is up to $465, and there is 1 day and 19 hours (Dec.10th @ 10:08:19 PST) before bidding closes.  I'd sure like to know who gets this!!

Yesterday Casey was in Rochester N.Y. for a chat with the afternoon crew at WBEE  92.5 radio station.  DJ, Billy Kidd had a list of fan questions ready for Casey and he answered some!  He said he'd eat 1000 beets to get that first #1 single!!  Haha!!  coming from someone who loves food, and beets are the only food he DON'T like......I'd say that's dedication!!   He also talked about his Star Wars addiction and admitted that he was a huge fan!!   He even has a Luke Skywalker costume in his closet......haha.....who knew??!  He also talked about his music, what he'd been doing this past year, and that 'tv show'...... Then he went on to do the song for them thats climbing the charts!!  Check it out below!!  Thanks to the radio station for posting it!   :)

The other day, Casey dropped in on Hazel Smith, for a segment of "Southern Fried Flicks" and some good food and lots of chatting!!  There is a very nice writeup by Hazel in this weeks Country Weekly magazine!!  Check it out at the CJBlog right HERE.

Ok, Casey is in Pittsburg tonight, so I'll be back in a little while with a full write up of the show!!


Well, this was certainly a rowdy and ready crowd!  It was a tailgating party of folks, at Saddle Ridge, who were enjoying Casey's music before the Steeler's Football game!!  It was for radio station  Froggy 94.9 "Hoppy Hour"!   lol.... There was a conference call, but I was tied up and didn't get to listen in!  :(  I actually tried to call in and catch the last of it, but.....he had just finished the last song.  I did hold on long enough for Casey to say "Hello" to all the conference callers!!  That was a nice surprise!!  Thanks to Lori....aka @Lstylist on twitter, for that and the call!  The Casey James Blog (TCJB) has recordings of the entire show, so click the link when you want to go there and listen to the show!
Before the show started, he was at the radio station for an interview, and talked a lot about different things, and that too, is on  TCJB, recorded.  The radio station did a really cool thing by making a video of the Christmas Song, "Please Be Home For Christmas", he sang while there!!  They said it would be up later, so I'll keep checking back to see if it's up yet, so I can post it here!

Casey sang a short 6 song set, including:

The Good Life
Shine your Shoes
Let's Don't Call It A Night

Love the Way you Miss Me
Why I'm Feeling Blue


After the show, he did a meet and greet with the fans!  I'm always glad to hear he met with the fans, because it's heartbreaking when he can't.  And yall know I'm saying that from experience.  It couldn't be helped, and I understand that, but it still don't make it any easier.  I just hope he can get his health under worries me and many other fans when he's sick.  And nearly every time he is sick, he wears his hair back either in the pony tail or the very cool 'man bun'!!  Little does he know, when he's feeling like crap, we're thinking how good that 'man bun' looks!!  :D   only joking!!!  lol...... No seriously, when he's sick, or feeling bad, I think we all feel it..... that's just who Casey James fans are...... wonderful, loving people who really care....

Still not much in the way of pictures or videos yet, but these two were tweeted....from the radio station!  The 1st one is David who is a DJ there.  Nice.....

Ok yall, that's all I have until some video shows up.  When it does, I'll update and post them here for you!!   I am especially anxious to hear the Christmas Song, done in the Froggy Studio!!!   Be back later........yall check back for more!!!   :)


  1. I want to be in Pittsburgh tonight!! Casey and my Steelers in one place??!!! Thanks for the great update, Glenda!

  2. Your welcome hunny! There's more coming! I will update with tonights events later on, as stuff comes in! I can tell you this much, he did say "HI" to the conference call people!!!
    Thanks for the comment!!! :)

  3. Oh yea, I meant to comment on your other thing you said!! Yea, of course you would love to be there!!! Your 2 favorite things in one place!!! How nice that would have been!! :) Go Steelers!!!
