Saturday, September 17, 2011

Casey James performs Acoustic set at Crystal Palace in Bakersfield, Ca.

Casey took the stage tonight, a little after 7 at the Buck Owens Crystal Palace in Bakersfield, California.  He performed an 8 song Acoustic set to a more than enthusiastic crowd!!  There were quite a few of the known 'Casey Fans' there, lining the front of the stage, I'm sure!  That's the most fun place to be at a Casey show!  Here is the set list in order as they were performed.

The Rock
Let's Don't Call It A Night
Shine Your Shoes
Try Not To Look So Pretty
The Good Life

Why I'm Feeling Blue

At this time, there are no pictures or videos available.  I'm sure something will come through by tomorrow and I'll get  them up soon as I can.  One of the fans, Cecil, (thanks girl) did a much appreciated conference call for us.  It was very clear and had no trouble figuring out anything he was saying!     The Casey James Blog has a recording of it, and if you'd like to hear the show, click on the link above and you'll find it there.  Thanks TCJB for the recording!


The Rock

Let's Don't Call It A Night

Shine Your Shoes


Try Not To Look So Pretty

The Good Life

Why I'm feeling Blue


Thanks to MsVerucas (@caseyscrew205) for all the above videos!

Before I post this next video, I wanted to let yall know, this one is Casey, who was invited to set in with the Buckaroos (omg!!! yes...)  anyway, this is The Buckaroos doing a number, then Casey doing one, and I believe everyone will recognize both!!!

 Casey doing his thing with the Buckaroos!!!  So good!!

Thanks to marieleathem1for this awesome video

Earlier today, out of the blue, Casey tweeted with the one I've been waiting on!!  I knew, one day it would happen, and he would tell us about it!!  :-)

Casey Everett James
I just heard me randomly on the radio for the first time!!!! Ahhh haha!!!! What a feeling! 
I'm so happy for him, as was other fans, who tweeted him back with congratulatory words!!

Shortly afterwards, Debra, Casey's momma also had something to say to her son....

THAT'S SO COOL!! I'm SO proud of you! It's been a long time coming hasn't it sweetie.

Yesterday, I forgot to mention that bit about the discussion on twitter with   Debra, as she mentioned Casey making his own genre of music, and Casey talking about it when the radio guy asked him the type of music he played, or something....I can't remember exactly what was said.   But Casey said a mixture between Blues, Rock and Country.....and I believe the name of it ended up being Blocktry! lol.....  That is pretty good!!  A bit strange sounding.....but it's his own!!  :-)
Here are a few pictures that came through from the Portland, Oregon show the other night!  These are some really nice shots!!  Boy, I tell ya, those people know how to capture an artist, on videos and photos!!  Check out the great shots below!
Big Thanks to KUPL radio team for these excellent shots!

See??  I told ya they were really good!!  I love 'em all, but something about this last one, to me, is just breathtaking.....  It may be because I love B&W photos.....there's just something about 'em.....maybe it's the nostalgic look, cause I love nostalgia.  I don't know exactly what it is, but I do love this last one.

Ok, I'm outta here for now, but check back, I'll update this post when new photos and/or videos come in.

Until then.....

UPDATE!!!  Casey Tweeted even MORE!!!

Casey Everett James
What a great time at the Crystal Palace! Thanks for everything. I would've stayed to sign, but I had to catch a plane.

Casey Everett James
This has been an amazing day. And I feel like I've come full circle sitting here at LAX.

Casey Everett James
Here's a little piece of my heart right now...
And with that.....he posted this heartfelt yellow note to us.  I have to tell you....I had tears rolling down my face reading this.... It took me back to the 1st time I seen him at his audition.  He truly has come full circle....thats where it started....and look how far he has come....and how much further he will go.  I'm so proud to be a Casey James fan at this moment!  My heart is full of pride and love for him, and I will always support him!!

He has such a special way with sweet.....just precious!!   And.....I couldn't find the tweet because I was looking for the Blue guitar!!!  He changed his picture!!  I did a picture similar to that....I wonder where he got it!  Anyway....I'm going to bed now....all the excitement has died down some and Casey's on his way to Nashville, I guess. 

Talk to yall later!!  Tootles!!  :)



  1. Thank YOU Glenda for all your hard and wonderful work you do keeping us all informed and in the know about Casey James...we are all here with you CHEERING him on forever!

  2. Glenda, keep up the AWESOME work, Dawlin!!!
    I know I can always find the latest & greatest about Casey here at CASEYMANIA!

    I am DYIN to see/hear the vid of Casey coverin CCR's Born on the Bayou!!!

  3. Thank you, Glenda. You alway do a great job. I love being one of Casey's faithful fans. Jeanette

  4. Thanks so much ladies, I sure do appreciate ya!! Hey meme....I was so disappointed when I saw the video and he wasn't singing it... :-( But hey....he was playing it!!!! And did he ever do a fantastic job!!! OMG!!! Did you notice the looks of the Buckaroos?? Smiles across their faces!!! And I saw the lady check his butt out once....hehehe!! Shhhhhh lol...

  5. This is just another example why I love Casey! It's really means so much when an artist can take time and send us little yellow notes that touch us all. The Thanks he gives us over and over mean so much!! I feel it is I that owe him "Thanks" for he as brought so much joy and happiness in my life. Many new friends, and a sense that there are young men in this crazy world that are just plain gentlemen, with a kind soul!! God Bless him! Dianne

  6. Patti (@caseyscrew205)September 18, 2011 at 11:15 PM

    I love this note, he certainly does have a way with words. So sweet, and thoughtful. :)

    We had a great time at the Crystal Palace, it's a very cool and unique place, and Casey was awesome. I'm so happy I got to be there, each show of his is so unique. :)
