Monday, January 27, 2014

Changes to Caseymania!

Hey yall!  I'm getting ready for Casey's 2014 Tour Schedule to be released to the public very soon so I'm getting things ready around here, cleaning some house, if ya will.... I want to thank 'bosjerseygirl' for her awesome photo of Casey James that is now the lead photo!  It is just beautiful, so I moved the lettering around so we could see all of his face without words all over it... lol... And green really looks good on Casey!  Theres a little bit of news, not much since Casey has been off for the winter.  But, we did find out that Casey is being sponsored this year on his tour by @LMCTruck, a magazine about....well you guessed it....trucks!  :-)

So a great big thanks to them!  If you are on Twitter, they are @LMCTruck & you can thank them for sponsoring Casey!

Here are a few nice pix done by the fans!  Thanks yall!!

This is Casey's new doo!  He got it cut the latter part of October last year!

I'll be back soon, just doing a little trial run to see how it looks.  Yall feel free to leave me a comment and let me know if you like the new design.

Be back soon....tootles....  :-)


  1. I Love the NEW look and it's GREAT to see you back!

  2. I LOVE the new look to the blog it ROCKS! :-)

  3. Thanks yall!! We'll be in full swing of things before long! :)

  4. You rock man ! Really like you ! We can do a song together sometimes we will mix the genres haha
    see some of my work
