Well, I'm here to tell you....Billy Bob's was a H*U*G*E success!! I would really like to know how many tickets were sold! It was probably about 1/2 full or more. Thats 3000 people! I know it was a killer show and there were fans from 7 or 8 states there in attendance! Here are some of us now.....
There were about 4 ladies missing, and I'm sorry they didn't get in the photo with us, but if yall send me a pic I'll post it here! :) And I won't try to name every person in the picture above, but yall know who you are!! Haha! We all had a great time, and it was good to see each and every one of you!! :) So glad so many were able to make it back to Texas again!
The night before, on Thursday, a few of us landed at the "Key's Lounge". Some of the ladies had not seen it, and I am always on board for the Key's, so we went that night and we had a really good time. It was Jam Night and there were a nice variety of musicians and singers in the house!! It was a fun night!
Here is a short clip of what was going on that night at the Key's.....
Jammin' at the Key's Lounge
Here's the group of us that were at the Key's Lounge, but I can't find a pic of us there.....we were all at Billy Bob's in this pic, waiting on our Meet & Greet! I think this is Cyndee's pic. Thanks!
We haven't gotten our M & G photos back yet so I can't post any of those pics....sorry.
After listening to the new songs live, I've come away with a new favorite....oh I still love "Womans Touch".... but I think I'm leaning more towards "Run Away" now!! I just LOVE it!!! I found myself humming and halfway singing it, and it irritated me so much that I didn't know the words, I decided to try to figure them out.....and I did!!! I've posted the lyrics to it (with the exception of a couple ?? words) on my Facebook page, and I think on Caseymania Facebook. It is a very very radio friendly song!!! I could see it going a long way!! And I think everybody has probably thought about just loading the truck up and taking to the highway, flipping a coin to decide which direction to go!! I know I have!! Well.....not in a long time.....but in my younger years, when something would go all wrong.....I'd just wanna pack up the truck and just GO!!! Never looking back.....but I didn't....well, I did sometimes..... :-/ but I always came back!! Hahaha!! So what I'm trying to say is....I think most people can relate to the song!! :) Don't yall agree?!?!
Speaking of radio friendly songs, it's a good bet that Casey's next single will be "Drive" . Click the link above and hear Casey and Blaine perform it acoustically at Fox Nashville a couple days ago. Here are a few photos from the Billy Bob's show, courtesy of Kathy11 & Cyndee. Thanks so much girls!! Good job!! Wooo Hooo!!

And now, without further ado, here are a couple of the favorite videos from Billy Bob's....
Big Thanks to rjnelson785 for these great videos!!
Run Away....
Woman's Touch....
And here is the link to the rest of Rhonda's awesome videos!! Click HERE....
Just before Casey got back into town for the Billy Bob's show, DFW.com caught up with Casey and he had only good things to say about us....his Fans!! Click HERE to read the full article!!
I'm going to close for tonight....but I have more coming, so come on back
Until then.....
Thanks to Cyndee for her great shot of us!
And I wanted to send out a special "Thank You" to Debra James for stopping by and saying HI to all of us!! You made a whole bunch of people happy!! :)
And I wanted to send out a special "Thank You" to Debra James for stopping by and saying HI to all of us!! You made a whole bunch of people happy!! :)
There were about 4 ladies missing, and I'm sorry they didn't get in the photo with us, but if yall send me a pic I'll post it here! :) And I won't try to name every person in the picture above, but yall know who you are!! Haha! We all had a great time, and it was good to see each and every one of you!! :) So glad so many were able to make it back to Texas again!
The night before, on Thursday, a few of us landed at the "Key's Lounge". Some of the ladies had not seen it, and I am always on board for the Key's, so we went that night and we had a really good time. It was Jam Night and there were a nice variety of musicians and singers in the house!! It was a fun night!
Here is a short clip of what was going on that night at the Key's.....
Jammin' at the Key's Lounge
Here's the group of us that were at the Key's Lounge, but I can't find a pic of us there.....we were all at Billy Bob's in this pic, waiting on our Meet & Greet! I think this is Cyndee's pic. Thanks!
In this pic we have....from the back....John, Anthea, Deborah, Cyndee, Shelley, Diana, Kate and me.
Everyone was so nice! I met 3 new fans....Deborah, Shelley and Diana. Thank yall for coming to Texas to hang out with us a couple days....it was so fun!!We haven't gotten our M & G photos back yet so I can't post any of those pics....sorry.
After listening to the new songs live, I've come away with a new favorite....oh I still love "Womans Touch".... but I think I'm leaning more towards "Run Away" now!! I just LOVE it!!! I found myself humming and halfway singing it, and it irritated me so much that I didn't know the words, I decided to try to figure them out.....and I did!!! I've posted the lyrics to it (with the exception of a couple ?? words) on my Facebook page, and I think on Caseymania Facebook. It is a very very radio friendly song!!! I could see it going a long way!! And I think everybody has probably thought about just loading the truck up and taking to the highway, flipping a coin to decide which direction to go!! I know I have!! Well.....not in a long time.....but in my younger years, when something would go all wrong.....I'd just wanna pack up the truck and just GO!!! Never looking back.....but I didn't....well, I did sometimes..... :-/ but I always came back!! Hahaha!! So what I'm trying to say is....I think most people can relate to the song!! :) Don't yall agree?!?!
Speaking of radio friendly songs, it's a good bet that Casey's next single will be "Drive" . Click the link above and hear Casey and Blaine perform it acoustically at Fox Nashville a couple days ago. Here are a few photos from the Billy Bob's show, courtesy of Kathy11 & Cyndee. Thanks so much girls!! Good job!! Wooo Hooo!!

And now, without further ado, here are a couple of the favorite videos from Billy Bob's....
Big Thanks to rjnelson785 for these great videos!!
Run Away....
Woman's Touch....
And here is the link to the rest of Rhonda's awesome videos!! Click HERE....
Just before Casey got back into town for the Billy Bob's show, DFW.com caught up with Casey and he had only good things to say about us....his Fans!! Click HERE to read the full article!!
I'm going to close for tonight....but I have more coming, so come on back
Until then.....