Monday, September 13, 2010

Casey playing some Blues 9-10-10 and Momma James playing too on 9-11-10

YES!!!  Finally!!!  We got some Casey James after American Idol......jamming out just outside of Dallas on Friday night!!!  He's doing some of his awesome blues we love so much!!!  Take a look at both of these.....he looks so very rested and he's well.......not sick!!!  It's so good to see him doing what he loves so much and feeling good too!!!  The joy in his sweet face just makes me smile from ear to ear and I couldn't be happier for him!!!  I see some Nashville roadtrips coming up, if Sony puts him to work out there at all!!!  I sure hope so!!!  I'm ready to go!!!

Well......they posted backwards......guess I don't know what I'm doing yet! :)  Just make sure you watch the #1 first, cause #1 rolls on into #2......ok?   Sorry guys!!


  1. Thank you Glenda! You're's great to see Casey playing the blues again. And nothing about AI attached to it...YAY!!! :)

  2. I loved Debra's videos too! She is so talented and likeable...just adorable!

  3. Thank you Glenda. Casey is awesome in these vids. I was suffering from some serious withdrawals and this was just the fix I needed. So good to see Casey post idol with friends and playing the music he loves and that super smile of his.
