Hey everybody! Well, I really don't know where to start with today's post.....my mind is flooded with things I want to say, and I really don't know how to begin. This is not the end.....it is.....the beginning, for every one of these Idols. They will all go in different directions tonight after the show, and very possibly not ever see each other again. That, to me, is sad.....and I'm sure there will be tears shed tonight as they each say good-bye to a group of people that have become like family to them. And I'm not just talking about the 10 Idols, I'm also referring to all the band members, the backup singers, the sound people, the stagehands, the bus drivers..... they have all become like one big family this summer, and it's going to be sad for each one of them!
On a different note, they are all drained, physically and emotionally!! They all will be going home for a much needed break from the long and grueling Summer Tour! Although we are happy that they finally get some rest, we are all asking ourselves and each other......what now??? How do we fill our days, without this tour to talk about?? Well, I, for one, am going to take a little break myself for a few days, not right now, but in a couple days, but not for long!! During that time, I will be in the process of giving Caseymania a face-lift......if ya will!! A much needed re-dressing, because we're going other places now!! We have to get dressed for the future Caseymania!! This site will be following the Career of Casey James, just like it followed the very first tour of him!! We have watched, with tears in our eyes at times, as our boy fought, and fought hard to stay on his feet and not go down during this incredible tour!! He's been sick through some of it, but I know he would not have ever gave up, thats not Casey!! And tonight, the show in Indianapolis closes the curtain on the Season 9 American Idols! I am sad and glad at the same time.....I know now Casey will finally get that much needed rest he was so desperately seeking!! He's coming Home to Texas to get rejuvenated and relaxed with family, friends and his precious dogs!!
I hope he has a wonderful and relaxed time at home as he prepares for the next chapter in his life......Nashville, and a brand new record deal with Sony Nashville!! I wish him lots of luck!!
Earlier today we got yet another.....'little yellow note' from our boy Casey!! Here's what he had to say about this day!! Bless his sweet little heart!!
Ok.....I'm in tears now......give me a second.....ummm......I'm ok, just a bit overwhelmed right now.....he is such a beautiful soul.....no one kinder, or more grateful......what a great role model to young children..... I just love this guy!!
I came across some nice photos from Cincinnati, and I'll post a couple of those now!!
Thanks to lee-dewyze.net for these great shots...... of Casey!!
I found a nice review from Chicago and they say some really cool things about our Casey, even though that is DeWyze territory!!! Oh of course, Lee got all the glory, but thats ok, OUR American Idol was also noticed!!! *wink*
"Article from Chicago"
They are doing something really cool on twitter right now! If you are on twitter you might see people posting this: iremembercaseywhen
Go ahead.....include yours! And you can do it all you want, the more the better......so go for it, I am!!
I finally found a Video!!! Yay!!! Hopefully more and more videos will get posted in the next few days, and this one is only less than a minute, but hey.....I'm excited!! :)
"Don't" in Des Moines, Iowa
Thanks to WasWorthWaiting for this short but very sweet little video!!!
I couldn't help it.....but I found another video, and it's the studio version of "Don't" with the lyrics across the screen as the song progresses! I absolutely LOVE this song, and so......I couldn't help but put it here as well!! Enjoy!!
"Studio version "Don't" w/lyrics"
Thanks to brenidlr22 for this great video!
Oh boy!!! Finally!!! I've got lots of Late Night Sandwich videos for yall!!!! I just found them!!! And there is 6.......count 'em......6 of them!!!! Enjoy!!!
"LNS-Wendy's Edition"
"LNS-All Day Edition"
"LNS-All Day Edition Pt.2"
"LNS-All Day Edition-Pt. 3"
"LNS-All Day Edition-Pt. 4"
"LNS-All Day Edition-Pt. 5"
Gosh!! I hope I got all of them right!!! I gotta go post this now, and check all my links.....I know......I know.......I should check them when I paste them......but no.....not me.......I have to do everything the hard way....... LOL!!!!
See yall in a little bit......gotta go find some more LNS All day editions!!!
I realized I had not posted any of my favorite shots today, so here goes!!! In the beginning.......
And in the end......
Well....sorry I don't have anything from the end yet.....but the promise of new videos and pictures from Indiana tonight......Casey's whole set!!! Check back for that!! If not tonight maybe by tomorrow sometime!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Great stuff from Toledo and Idols are in Cincinnati, Ohio tonight!
Well....hello everyone!! I'm starting today with heavy heart, knowing there are only 2 shows left on the Tour and with excitement that Casey's Coming Home!!! That boy needs a break in the worst way, and I couldn't be happier!! He'll get some much needed rest and relaxation and some "ME" time for himself!! When I think back to how his life was before this, he really has been run ragged!! I don't know how, for the life of me, how he hung on and continued to rock the stage, night after night, in the shape he's in! When I'm sick, I don't want to do anything.....much less have fun!! Yet he seems to take it all in stride, just doing his thing, no matter what!! Not ever wanting to disappoint not even one fan who paid their hard earned cash to see him perform. He will continue to not let anyone down too, as his career takes off ! With a new Album to soon be in the works, this is just the beginning for Casey and his musical career, just the beginning!! :)
It looks like there's quite bit of talk about theToledo Show last night, concerning Casey, even though this is more than likely Crystal territory!! Well, Casey had some fans there too, and they were so totally excited and there's at least one review and possibly two from there!! But first here are some really nice shots from Deluth, Ga. and St. Louis, Mo. These are so nice.......
Ya gotta love that Blues guitar face.....
Thanks going out to Machka and SusanG for their great pics!!
And speaking of pictures.......WOW!!! I came across this awesome bunch of pics taken in Los Angeles when the tour came through there a week or so ago, and all of these, especially Casey's are extraordinary!!! But don't try to take them with you, it ain't happening, I've already tried! :) But there are some shots in here that I've never seen Casey do onstage.....absolutely breathtaking shots!!! Enjoy......
"American Idol Pics Here"
This next bunch of photos are extra nice.....close up and very clear!! Once again, there's no taking them, but I can post the link so all of you can see them here!! Love 'em!!!
"Photo's from Iowa"
Many thanks to KarenBav for sharing her very nice photos with us!!
Our girls in Toledo had some really good things to talk about after their experience of seeing Casey!!! I will post one of the recaps here in full!!!
Here's our friend spinnyjb's recap as she saw it in Toledo, Ohio last night!! thanks girl!!!
And......I have at least one picture from Toledo last night, and here it is....it's quite good too!!!
Thanks to ThatssoAbby for this great shot of Casey in Toledo!!!
Here's another pic I came across and I just LOVE it!!!! Thanks again to Machka for this awesome shot!!!
Will be back after while.....with more goodies......so check back!
Oh yea.....I almost forgot.....Caseymania is almost in 4th place on the Best Fan Site!!! Thank you all so very much for all the votes......all of you ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Ok yall, we got some more recaps from shows!! Two more to be exact!!! I hope yall enjoy 'em!!!
The 1st one is Carolyns Recap: Thanks so much girl!!
Wasn't that an amazing story!! I will post the other one now, and it's from a guy, originally posted on MJ's blog. Thanks to mozart489 for this interesting take on Casey!!!
Casey – I knew nothing of the rumor that Casey might not perform. I would have been really crushed had he not, because I was looking forward to hearing him. And damn, I’m glad he did perform – wow. On the show he seemed like a decent guitar player but it was hard to tell how good he really was cause he never played that much (obviously, it’s a singing competition…right?) And when portrayed mostly just in terms of his vocals, at times he seemed out of his element. But the intro to “I Got Mine” was all it took. Bluesy, gritty Southern style rock…I loved it. And so did the rest of the Toledo crowd – I’m pretty sure only Crystal’s cheers hit higher readings on the decibel meter than Casey’s. His album IS now on my list to buy, as long as it’s in this vein. I wasn’t so impressed with “Don’t” as I was his other 3 songs (…seriously people, why can’t you just embrace the cheese of “Have You Really Ever Loved a Woman?” He and Mike killed that song on the show, minus 1 note, and it sounded great in concert too) but he’s awesome in his own style. Slide guitar, rock guitar, country acoustic and electric, even the Spanish/flamenco sort of sound – and he can sing pretty well too. I like. Came onto my radar when the videos of him at the Keys Lounge surfaced and it really all clicked what he was about. Definitely more than just your average bar band guitar player and singer, like he seemed for most of the show. Hendrix level chops on the guitar is more like it.
Great review!!!! My page must be 10 miles long now!! LOL!!! Oh well.....I don't care.......do yall care???? As long as it's about Casey it could be 50 miles long!!:D
Ok, well, I'm gonna close up for tonight......I'll be looking for stuff from Cincinnati to post for tomorrow!!! And........Indianapolis tomorrow is the last show.....I'm so relieved for Casey's sake......ahhhhh I can't wait for him to get home and rest....Rest......REST!!! Aha ha!!! Yall have a good one.....see ya tomorrow!!!! ;)
It looks like there's quite bit of talk about theToledo Show last night, concerning Casey, even though this is more than likely Crystal territory!! Well, Casey had some fans there too, and they were so totally excited and there's at least one review and possibly two from there!! But first here are some really nice shots from Deluth, Ga. and St. Louis, Mo. These are so nice.......
Ya gotta love that Blues guitar face.....
Thanks going out to Machka and SusanG for their great pics!!
And speaking of pictures.......WOW!!! I came across this awesome bunch of pics taken in Los Angeles when the tour came through there a week or so ago, and all of these, especially Casey's are extraordinary!!! But don't try to take them with you, it ain't happening, I've already tried! :) But there are some shots in here that I've never seen Casey do onstage.....absolutely breathtaking shots!!! Enjoy......
"American Idol Pics Here"
This next bunch of photos are extra nice.....close up and very clear!! Once again, there's no taking them, but I can post the link so all of you can see them here!! Love 'em!!!
"Photo's from Iowa"
Many thanks to KarenBav for sharing her very nice photos with us!!
Our girls in Toledo had some really good things to talk about after their experience of seeing Casey!!! I will post one of the recaps here in full!!!
Here's our friend spinnyjb's recap as she saw it in Toledo, Ohio last night!! thanks girl!!!
Carolyn and I pulled out of her place about 2:30 or so. Got to the venue and as we were walking up to the arena a well dressed -man w/ a badge around his neck was just outside the doors. He was Steve, head of security and a sweet sweet man! We asked him where the busses were and he told us. Then we asked him if he would PLEASE take our gifts to Casey, because the word on the street was that Casey wasn't going to be allowed to come out. He said he would take them to him personally and make sure. Carolyn had gotten Casey a fedora w/ a cross on it (which casey wore for the last two songs!!) We both wrote him letters about how much he meant to us as fans, our personal "casey" stories. No sign of Casey before the show, so we finally went in. During the intermission Carolyn saw the yellow note tweet from Casey. We weren't sitting together because I got my tickets as a last minute thing. So I was actually calling Carolyn on her cell phone as she was reading the tweet! I was just trying to find where she was in the stands. I was on the floor, manned with my sign wit my twitter name. She called me over there and we both read it and were crying!! So I was snapping pictures like crazy when he put the hat on, but none turned out well. My camera sucks. :( The whole time I was bouncing around w/ my sign. He saw me during It's all over now...and flung a pick at me! I just saw it whiz by. I was scrambling all over the floor for it. I was the only overtly crazy fan in the vicinity, so I know it was for me, he looked right at me and carolyn said when I missed it he chuckled. I couldn't find it, just a bunch of gum wrappers and nastiness. I had given up and all of the sudden a litlle tap on my shoulder and some sweet young girl (I say young, she was prob 20) and handed it to me! I was flabbergasted! No Casey after the show but we stuck around just in case. It was completely and utterly amazing. He sounded like he had a stuffy nose when he talked. He looked tired, but he sounded amazing and his guitar was OFF THE HOOK!! I was out of my mind!!!!
Despite not seeing Casey because he was under doctor's orders not to do any meet and greets, it was the better than I could have imagined it!! I had sent Casey a heartfelt letter with my gift to him. We had hoped to see him before the show and we were asking anyone and everyone to tell him we were waiting to see him. No sign of Casey after 2 hours of waiting before the concert so at 7:30 we gave up and went in. When Carolyn called me over to read that tweet Casey sent (the yellow note above I was overwhelmed with emotion.
Now that......was an incredible recap!!! Thank you Jen.....I felt like I was right beside you the whole time!!! You're awesome girl!!!!
I tweeted him when I got home (at 3am!) that "I am blessed that your heart received what my heart was trying to convey in my letter." You just never know how things can get lost in translation. I won't go into details about my letter other than to say I told him how to me he is so much more than a gifted musician and a handsome face... he helped restore my hope through how he handled the hardships in his life. I am still very emotional about the whole thing. Lack of sleep isn't helping, but writing that letter brought up alot of painful memories. But it was very cleansing to write it. That tweet made my night. The pick was icing on the cake. He is such a beautiful soul, with such depth. I am so proud to be his fan. I will be his fan forever.
And......I have at least one picture from Toledo last night, and here it is....it's quite good too!!!
Thanks to ThatssoAbby for this great shot of Casey in Toledo!!!
Here's another pic I came across and I just LOVE it!!!! Thanks again to Machka for this awesome shot!!!
Will be back after while.....with more goodies......so check back!
Oh yea.....I almost forgot.....Caseymania is almost in 4th place on the Best Fan Site!!! Thank you all so very much for all the votes......all of you ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Ok yall, we got some more recaps from shows!! Two more to be exact!!! I hope yall enjoy 'em!!!
The 1st one is Carolyns Recap: Thanks so much girl!!
Last night, my fiftieth birthday, Jennifer Bussone and I went to see Casey in Toledo. Jennifer was so gracious and drove me all the way there from Port Huron, MI, as I am not able to drive. Anyway, as we left my house, we had heavy hearts because we knew Casey was sick and might not be able to come out and meet us. (Let me state this up front --- we both felt it was more important for Casey to rest than meet us). But being the die-hard Casey fans that we are, we were offering up prayers that maybe, just maybe, we would catch Casey leaving his bus or he might feel well enough to come outside for a few minutes. Off we went with letters and gifts for Casey. I had bought him a cool black fedora hat with a cross on it and Jennifer had given him a cd and had knitted him another guitar cap.
We tweeted to Casey from my laptop on the way to Toledo – thanks to all the ladies who re-tweeted to Casey for us – we really appreciated that our CJCC sisters were trying to help us out!
We arrived in Toledo a few hours before the concert and began to scope things out. We asked some security guards where the buses were, and also asked where the Idols would be signing autographs before and after the show. One security guard said “All 10 Idols will be over by the Aquarium signing autographs after the show”, and another one said, “Casey James is sick and won’t be out signing autographs at all.” Still, we kept a stiff upper lip and kept asking around. I then noticed a very official security guard walking into the front door of Huntington Center and asked him if he was security. He responded that he was Head of Security. I asked him if Casey was coming out at all and he said no. I put my faith in him and asked if he would take our gifts to Casey. He said it would be better to give them to the people taking tickets when we went inside --- but that wasn’t good enough for me. I gave him my best “please, it’s my 50th birthday” look, and he agreed to take them in. Then the praying really started, because we didn’t know if our gifts went on a huge pile somewhere - or in the trash can for that matter.
We went down and stood by the buses in the 90+ degree heat for a couple of hours. Crystal came out to see her hometown fans and she was very nice. It was great to see her – she’s a tiny little thing. Her son & boyfriend were out and her boyfriend was so friendly. He said he would tell Casey we were out there. Boy, Crystal looked really beat. Jennifer asked if she was feeling okay, and she said she had just lost a dear friend and had been crying all morning. Then a piano player from the tour and also Tim Urban came out and talked with some very cute young girls. Apparently he told the piano player to go get them backstage passes; I’m not really sure how that all went down because I was concentrating on spotting Casey. The girls were so excited and crying and shaking. This is where one of the funniest moments of the evening happened. Jennifer said to the guard at the gate, “Sure, the young, cute girls get backstage passes.” The security guard looked at us and said, “Oh ladies, I’m sure that happened to you when you went to see Elvis!” Elvis??? Seriously??? We laughed about that for hours. We asked Tim about Casey and he said he was feeling better, but still too sick to come outside. So we waited by the buses as long as possible and went inside when DiDi started singing.
Jennifer and I didn’t have seats together – she had bought her ticket after I did when she realized that I needed a ride to Toledo. (Her precious friendship to me could be a completely different discussion topic itself.). She was seated down on the main floor, 4th row, and I was up in the first risers. We both had excellent seats. I was sitting with my cousin who lives in Toledo. We watched the first half of the show and during intermission I tried to check Twitter. My phone had been freezing up on me all day, but I decided to take one more chance to see if Casey had tweeted or anything else exciting was going on. Much to my surprise, I saw that Casey had posted “a little note before the show,” or something to that effect. My phone then froze up again, and I was about to pitch it over the balcony, when his yellow sticky note popped up into my screen. It was then that I saw “A special thanks to @carolyn82960 for the note and the hat (which I will wear tonight). And special thanks to @spinnyjb for the card, cd, and hat.” To say I screamed would be an understatement. I probably looked like Jacob Black morphing into a werewolf. At that moment, Jennifer called my cell and asked where my seats were and said she couldn’t find me. I stood up out of my seat and waived my arms like a maniac, and she saw me instantly in a sea of thousands. I started screaming into the phone that Casey had tweeted about us and she came running across the arena towards me and I went running down the stairs to meet her (if you could call my limping running). We were screaming into our phones to each other the entire time we were running to each other. We finally got close to each other and I had to lean over the railing to hand her my cell phone so she could read the tweet. We both burst into tears. It was the most unbelievable moment of my life, really. Then the lights came down and Big Mike was about to come on stage, so we just hugged over the railing and went back to our seats. My cousin freaked out when I told her what happened. Another funny moment…a little girl came up to me then and tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Did you just win the backstage passes”? No honey, something so much better!!!. She obviously saw my freak-out, the little cutie!!!
I was totally shaking through Mike’s set and then out came Casey --- with no hat on. The crowd was going wild. My cousin screamed, “Where’s the hat”? I told her I thought he would put it on during his duet with Mike, but I was kind of worried too. Casey just killed “I Got Mine”. I seriously don’t think I was prepared for his brilliance. TV and U-Tube just doesn’t do him justice. If he’s that good sick, Lord help us all!!!
I think this is the point where Casey saw Jennifer's sign and threw her a pic, but I will let her tell that story! ( I saw the entire thing happen from my seat). Then he sang “Don’t” and I was just swaying and singing along. It was gorgeous! The whole arena was singing too. He sounded a little stuffy, but still hit the notes man!!! Then Casey said Big Mike was coming out to help him sing the next song. And it happened…a stage hand brought out my hat and hung it on the mike stand…Casey took out his hair band and put his hair in a pony tail…and then he put on my hat. He leaned into the microphone and said, “Thank you for the hat.” (Y’all know that sexy, better-than-Bob-Seger, sexy, gravelly, sexy voice!). Had I died then, I would have died a happy woman. They sang their duet (again, awesome). Casey sang his last song, “It’s All Over Now.” WITH MY HAT STILL ON. And then he was gone…
Jennifer and I bugged out after Casey’s set so we could get a good spot over by the Aquarium. We were the first ones there. I had a feeling that Casey wouldn’t be coming out, but Jennifer was still holding onto hope. Then the Idols started coming out one by one. We asked a couple of security guards and they said Casey would not be coming out. It was sad, but we had already been given the best gift ever, I think. Lee came out, DiDi came out, Siobhan came out, Tim Urban came out, Aaron Kelly came out, Katie Stevens came out --- and I got all of their autographs. (Big Mike and Andrew Garcia did not come out;I don’t know their reason why). Despite the late hour, it was still so very hot outside and we were getting soooo tired. We had been on our feet for many hours in the heat at that point. At about midnight, a security guard came out and said either Crystal or her son was sick and she would not be coming out. It was very sad; her hometown fans were waiting there for hours – even some of her elementary school teachers were out there waiting. Jennifer was talking to two of the teachers standing next to us. But people do get sick, as we know.
At midnight we called it a day and we went to stand by the buses to watch them roll away. We tried a couple of times to ask security if Casey could come out, but it was a done deal. We stood across the street as the buses pulled out of the arena and held up our signs. Perhaps Casey saw us as they drove away.
I read Casey’s yellow sticky note to Jennifer several times on the way home. It really hit us on the way home that he actually read our letters and responded to us in an amazing and generous way. I cried when he thanked his fans for being so kind to each other. Jennifer didn’t know me from Adam a couple of months ago, and the Casey James Cougar Club brought us together. She generously offered me her friendship (and a ride!). I think the women of the CJCC are the most amazing people, and I am grateful to be a part of that.
Today as I was telling my family about what happened last night, it hit me that I had the great honor of NOT meeting Casey James last night. Because if I had to pick between getting a picture with Casey for my scrapbook or have him read my letter and respond to me in such a beautiful way, I wouldn’t change a darn thing.
Wasn't that an amazing story!! I will post the other one now, and it's from a guy, originally posted on MJ's blog. Thanks to mozart489 for this interesting take on Casey!!!
Casey – I knew nothing of the rumor that Casey might not perform. I would have been really crushed had he not, because I was looking forward to hearing him. And damn, I’m glad he did perform – wow. On the show he seemed like a decent guitar player but it was hard to tell how good he really was cause he never played that much (obviously, it’s a singing competition…right?) And when portrayed mostly just in terms of his vocals, at times he seemed out of his element. But the intro to “I Got Mine” was all it took. Bluesy, gritty Southern style rock…I loved it. And so did the rest of the Toledo crowd – I’m pretty sure only Crystal’s cheers hit higher readings on the decibel meter than Casey’s. His album IS now on my list to buy, as long as it’s in this vein. I wasn’t so impressed with “Don’t” as I was his other 3 songs (…seriously people, why can’t you just embrace the cheese of “Have You Really Ever Loved a Woman?” He and Mike killed that song on the show, minus 1 note, and it sounded great in concert too) but he’s awesome in his own style. Slide guitar, rock guitar, country acoustic and electric, even the Spanish/flamenco sort of sound – and he can sing pretty well too. I like. Came onto my radar when the videos of him at the Keys Lounge surfaced and it really all clicked what he was about. Definitely more than just your average bar band guitar player and singer, like he seemed for most of the show. Hendrix level chops on the guitar is more like it.
Great review!!!! My page must be 10 miles long now!! LOL!!! Oh well.....I don't care.......do yall care???? As long as it's about Casey it could be 50 miles long!!:D
Ok, well, I'm gonna close up for tonight......I'll be looking for stuff from Cincinnati to post for tomorrow!!! And........Indianapolis tomorrow is the last show.....I'm so relieved for Casey's sake......ahhhhh I can't wait for him to get home and rest....Rest......REST!!! Aha ha!!! Yall have a good one.....see ya tomorrow!!!! ;)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
New Videos, new pics....Chicago goodies and Idols in Toledo tonight!

Well....hello everybody!! It's Sunday and I'm aching from using muscles I havn't used in a while.....yikes!!! But a little tylenol goes a long way!! Anyway.....news has been a little sketchy from venue to venue, and with this being the last week of the Tour.....(yep....3 more days) it's gonna be spread out a little. But that's ok.....it'll come in sooner or later!
First, I came across a fantastic review from a fan, about the Denver show, and it ROCKS!!! Here's her detailed description of the show>>>>>>
"Carolyn's Denver Recap" by way of MJs
Thanks for sharing Carolyn!
Here's some really nice shots I found while out trawling around earlier!! And I think.....these are from Chicago last night!! Check out these great shots!!!
Thanks to MelyssaLynn for these great photos!!
And a couple more from her before moving on!
It looks like he's getting ready to pitch a pick at
somebody!! What do yall think??
WoW!!! I love this one of Casey and BigMike!! What a positively lovely shot......
Thanks again to MelyssaLynn for sharing her awesome pics!!!
And I'm gonna go ahead and share one of my favs from a couple or three weeks or so ago!!
Thanks alot to CoolCJfan for her up close shot from Houston!!
Today's post is going to be quite a mixture of things from different shows, so get ready!!
Here is a really really close up video of Casey in Minneapolis the other night, doing It's all over now. And I got mine too is from the same show!
"It's All Over Now"
"I Got Mine"
Big Thanks going out to triishaaa01 for the first one and ejelstad for the second one, thanks for sharing!!!
I'm going to go for a bit and cook supper and watch my favorite show....Big Brother, and I'll be back after while with some more good stuff for yall!!!
Casey Update from Twitter:
We got this 'little yellow note' on twitter from Casey just a bit ago from Toledo, Ohio!! And 2 fans got a nice shout-out from him as well......congrats ladies!!!

More to come later........ :)
I came across a rather rude and distasteful review from Chicago Sun Times, and was not going to post it due to his negativity about the AI Show as a whole, but more importantly his tasteless comments about the Idols. He gave our boy a nice word, but he was just cruel to the others, and that's not what we Casey Fans are about!!! Yes, we love and support our Texas boy and his family, but we, for the most part do not run down the other Idols. It's just not nice and Casey has helped alot of us see that things like that are not acceptable.....no one gains anything from it, so why do it? Why intentionally be rude and hurtful to the others, just because they are not to your liking?!
So, instead of putting it all on here, I'm just gonna post what he said about Casey.....and he even had to find something he didn't 'love' about Casey, but I got a little giggle from his line.......'Eddie Vedder quiver in his purr'..... lol....
The most entertaining guy on stage, though, came in third. Casey James can sing and play the bejesus out of his guitar. He shredded a solo in the middle of his opener, the Black Keys' "I Got Mine," and again for his closer, the Rolling Stones' "It's All Over Now." His ballads sagged, even the duet with Michael Lynche on "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?," but his rakish grin and studied nonchalance made him fun to watch, not to mention that Eddie Vedder quiver in his purr.
A couple of our twitter gals were out at the Toledo show tonight, so hopefully........we will have some cool stuff from there tomorrow!!
I need to dress this page up again!! Some really nice nice shots came through earlier and I want to share with yall!! Check these out!
This picture above was taken at one of the last few shows and had no credit, if it's yours, you know what to do.....until then, thanks alot anonymous!
The one below is by our own daydreaminmeme, and thank you so much.....how adorable is this!! It won't be long now, till he gets to spend some quality time with his long eared babies!!
I think I'm gonna turn in for the night, I see some stuff on TV I wanna watch.....so yall have a good one.....I'll be back tomorrow.......
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Chicago, Illinois tonight!! Great videos & a Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan
Happy Saturday everyone!!! I just wanted to get on here briefly and let everybody know that I will be out moving furniture and such with my sisters....(from Mom's house).....so I won't be back on till late tonight, but I will be back!! So yall just check back and I'll have a post for ya a little later on today!! Yall, I hope I don't put my back out doing all this heavy lifting.....ahhhh!! See ya soon!! :)
Hi yall.....I'm back!!! And first off, I need to say.....Shame on me!! I completely forgot to mention yesterday one of the most famous and loved entertainers of all time, Blues Legend Stevie Ray Vaughan! That's me, a day late and dollar short.....always!! Yesterday marked the 20 year anniversary of Stevie's death. He has always been one of my very favorite artists and always will be!! Long live Stevie Ray's Legend!! The man could play a guitar better than anyone I've ever seen!!! He had a style all his own, that was rich with blues and little rock style thrown in for good measure!! If you'll notice in the video I'm posting here, Casey was influenced by this late great Blues Man!! Several times during it, you will see or hear little things that Casey does in his shows!! Stevie Ray and Double Trouble released 4 Studio Albums and 1 live album, each one certified Gold with over 500,000 in sales! Their 4th album, "In Step", (my fav) won a Grammy for Best Contemporary Blues Record!! Stevie Ray was in a movie, played at an inaugural, and traveled to Europe for many shows there!! He had made a name for himself......worldwide!! His debut album was "Texas Flood", and the name of the song in this video. He played with such passion and soul, I became emotional while watching him again.....the world lost a beautiful blues man on August 27, 1990, shortly after 1 am in East Troy, Wisconsin when the helicopter he was in crashed just seconds after takeoff. He had just finished a concert with a sold out crowd of 30,000 with the likes of Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, brother Jimmie, and Robert Cray, and was enroute to Chicago for a show there the next day. In the spring of 1990, he and his older brother, Jimmie, recorded an album together....."Family Style" (another of my favs) and it was released in Sept. of 1990, shortly after Stevie Ray's death. The 1991 Album "The Sky Is Crying" was the first of several albums released after Stevie Ray's death and debuted at #7 on the US charts and went on to win a Grammy and was Certified Platinum!!
I apologize for writing so much about Stevie Ray, but I felt so bad about forgetting that yesterday was marked as a day in history that we lost one of the most talented guitarists to ever live! Watch the video below and see the little things that Casey does, you can hear it if you pay close attention. Oh, and while I'm dropping all the Stevie Ray facts I can tonight, Stevie also plays his Strat with one hand....like Casey.....not on this song, but another one, and if I can find it, I'll post that as well!! Check out Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble doing "Texas Flood-The Long Version"
Now.....we can get back to our Casey, but I'm sure he won't mind that I dedicated half this page to a True Blues Legend!!
I have videos from St. Louis and Minneapolis!! So check those out below: the first 4 are from Minneapolis and the same person!!!! Squeeeeeeee!!!!! I love it when I find 'em all together by the same person......well.....of course you know that.....cause I say it every time.....ummm.....yall just tell me to shut up anytime!!! :D :D :D
And you'll notice that I don't have "It's All Over Now" part 1 because for some reason it says the person took it off.....removed it from youtube.....hmmm. Ok, maybe there was an error in uploading or something! I'll keep looking for it or another video by someone else.
The next 3 are also from the same person and from St. Louis! Another squeeeeeeeee!!! :D
In the meantime, I found a really cool shot of Casey at one of the last 3 shows.....once again.....no credit, so if it's yours and you recognize it, let me know so I can credit you.....(sorry yall, if I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but I really would love to credit the person it belongs to)! Thanks!
"I Got Mine-part 1"
"I Got Mine-part 2"
"It's All Over Now part 2"
All 4 of the above videos are courtesty of paulafeely! Thank you so much for sharing with us!!!
And now......from St. Louis......(my peeps had internet probs....sorry for the delay...) But.....here they are now.....3 of Casey's set......the night he was taken to the hospital because of sickness, assuming it was the same thing he's been battling all along. And he ROCKED that stage.....sick!!! If that's not dedication to his fans.....I don't know what is.....he's Amazing.....hands down!!! Thats why we love him so much!!! :)
"I Got Mine"
"It's All Over Now"
Thank you so much to dm91367 for these wonderful videos!!!
Thank you so much to evilizabeth for sharing with us!!
I wanted to share one of my favorite shots I made from a video, and don't ya just love the hair over that one blue eye.... :)
Here's another favorite of mine, from the Homecoming!! And it's mine, so no credit is due.... Ha ha....
Ok yall....I'm gonna go to bed soon, I've had a hard day moving and all and my body is complaining at me right now.... lol.....so.....off to bed I go and hope to have lots of awesome stuff from the show in Chicago tonight!! Yall have a great night and beautiful Sunday.....gnite!
Hi yall.....I'm back!!! And first off, I need to say.....Shame on me!! I completely forgot to mention yesterday one of the most famous and loved entertainers of all time, Blues Legend Stevie Ray Vaughan! That's me, a day late and dollar short.....always!! Yesterday marked the 20 year anniversary of Stevie's death. He has always been one of my very favorite artists and always will be!! Long live Stevie Ray's Legend!! The man could play a guitar better than anyone I've ever seen!!! He had a style all his own, that was rich with blues and little rock style thrown in for good measure!! If you'll notice in the video I'm posting here, Casey was influenced by this late great Blues Man!! Several times during it, you will see or hear little things that Casey does in his shows!! Stevie Ray and Double Trouble released 4 Studio Albums and 1 live album, each one certified Gold with over 500,000 in sales! Their 4th album, "In Step", (my fav) won a Grammy for Best Contemporary Blues Record!! Stevie Ray was in a movie, played at an inaugural, and traveled to Europe for many shows there!! He had made a name for himself......worldwide!! His debut album was "Texas Flood", and the name of the song in this video. He played with such passion and soul, I became emotional while watching him again.....the world lost a beautiful blues man on August 27, 1990, shortly after 1 am in East Troy, Wisconsin when the helicopter he was in crashed just seconds after takeoff. He had just finished a concert with a sold out crowd of 30,000 with the likes of Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, brother Jimmie, and Robert Cray, and was enroute to Chicago for a show there the next day. In the spring of 1990, he and his older brother, Jimmie, recorded an album together....."Family Style" (another of my favs) and it was released in Sept. of 1990, shortly after Stevie Ray's death. The 1991 Album "The Sky Is Crying" was the first of several albums released after Stevie Ray's death and debuted at #7 on the US charts and went on to win a Grammy and was Certified Platinum!!
I apologize for writing so much about Stevie Ray, but I felt so bad about forgetting that yesterday was marked as a day in history that we lost one of the most talented guitarists to ever live! Watch the video below and see the little things that Casey does, you can hear it if you pay close attention. Oh, and while I'm dropping all the Stevie Ray facts I can tonight, Stevie also plays his Strat with one hand....like Casey.....not on this song, but another one, and if I can find it, I'll post that as well!! Check out Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble doing "Texas Flood-The Long Version"
Now.....we can get back to our Casey, but I'm sure he won't mind that I dedicated half this page to a True Blues Legend!!
I have videos from St. Louis and Minneapolis!! So check those out below: the first 4 are from Minneapolis and the same person!!!! Squeeeeeeee!!!!! I love it when I find 'em all together by the same person......well.....of course you know that.....cause I say it every time.....ummm.....yall just tell me to shut up anytime!!! :D :D :D
And you'll notice that I don't have "It's All Over Now" part 1 because for some reason it says the person took it off.....removed it from youtube.....hmmm. Ok, maybe there was an error in uploading or something! I'll keep looking for it or another video by someone else.
The next 3 are also from the same person and from St. Louis! Another squeeeeeeeee!!! :D
In the meantime, I found a really cool shot of Casey at one of the last 3 shows.....once again.....no credit, so if it's yours and you recognize it, let me know so I can credit you.....(sorry yall, if I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but I really would love to credit the person it belongs to)! Thanks!
"I Got Mine-part 1"
"I Got Mine-part 2"
"It's All Over Now part 2"
All 4 of the above videos are courtesty of paulafeely! Thank you so much for sharing with us!!!
And now......from St. Louis......(my peeps had internet probs....sorry for the delay...) But.....here they are now.....3 of Casey's set......the night he was taken to the hospital because of sickness, assuming it was the same thing he's been battling all along. And he ROCKED that stage.....sick!!! If that's not dedication to his fans.....I don't know what is.....he's Amazing.....hands down!!! Thats why we love him so much!!! :)
"I Got Mine"
"It's All Over Now"
Thank you so much to dm91367 for these wonderful videos!!!
I came across one of the most heartfelt descriptions I've ever read of Casey!! I love her whole story so much, I'm just gonna post it for yall to enjoy as well!! This is very well written, and speaks volumes to my heart.....check out what she wrote "HERE"
Thank you so much to evilizabeth for sharing with us!!
I wanted to share one of my favorite shots I made from a video, and don't ya just love the hair over that one blue eye.... :)
Here's another favorite of mine, from the Homecoming!! And it's mine, so no credit is due.... Ha ha....
Ok yall....I'm gonna go to bed soon, I've had a hard day moving and all and my body is complaining at me right now.... lol.....so.....off to bed I go and hope to have lots of awesome stuff from the show in Chicago tonight!! Yall have a great night and beautiful Sunday.....gnite!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Minniapolis Mn. tonight / Flash from the past Friday!!
Hey yall!!! I have been busy as a little beaver today, therefore I'm so late getting my post up, but look here.........where is all the stuff from the last night's show?? Who saw Casey (and the other Idols) in Des Moines, Ia. last night??!!! Where have you posted all your goodies for me??? I'm not there, but SomeBody was!! I have absolutely nothing from that show for yall!!! I'm so sorry, even my alert has nothing!! Wow!! I've never heard of this before!! I know they had press before the show, who interviewed them??? I wonder why they haven't posted anything?? I'm searching with absolutely NO results!! So.....tell ya what......here's what I'm gonna do........this IS Flash from the Past Friday, so we're gonna go back in time.......to the moment most of us were introduced to Casey James!!! And I'm just gonna put some memorabilia up for today! But.....I have to go ahead and post these few words so it will be finished with todays date......I wasn't lieing I've been busy today, and no time to play with my baby here!! :)
Be right back..........
Ok, I'm back!! First of all, I'm gonna post this awesome TV guide video that is so informative!!! I always loved this interview!!! So....without further ado.......feast your eyes on this!! This was done just before the Tour started, but it has aLOT of highlights through out the show!!! Click "HERE" to check out this awesome video!!!
Let me see......how many pictures I can get on here from throughout the season!! Let me see.......I'll post 'em until some news of some kind comes in..... lol.....
Breaking News: Casey has tweeted us a nice little 'yellow note'......I knew he would, it was just a matter of time!!!!!
Can that boy be any sweeter!!!! He's our special gift from above......I just know it!!! :) I am so sooooo happy he's feeling better......bless his heart.....he has been run through the ringer this year!!!!!! I hope he don't have to put up with this kind of illness anymore in his future......geeezzz......it just makes me sad..... :( I want him to get healthy so he feels like doing what he loves the best.....playing music for all of us!!!! I think when he gets home next week, and just kicks back and throws his phone in a drawer.....he'll get that much needed rest he's been missing for the last 8 or 9 months!! I'm glad it's almost over for him!!!
Another little surprise for yall who don't twitter.....I noticed Casey had another little 'yellow note' and a couple pictures attached!!!! Yep, it's Daisey and Buster playing tug-o-war with a newly aquired little birdie!!!! How adorable are these two pooches......just precious!!!!!!!!
I think I'm gonna post a couple more pictures that I found while looking through my Casey James Albums,and maybe......just maybe........yall havn't seen these!!!! Enjoy!!!
Well.....I guess thats all I can come up with tonight! It was quite a Flash from the Past Friday......but I didn't go back too far in time.......but I will try next time to show ya something from Casey......pre-Idol!! Ok, yall, it's been a good time, hopefully some goodies will come in from the last 3 shows soon.....friends......you know who you are......where those videos from St. Louis?!?! ;) Gnite all........
Be right back..........
Ok, I'm back!! First of all, I'm gonna post this awesome TV guide video that is so informative!!! I always loved this interview!!! So....without further ado.......feast your eyes on this!! This was done just before the Tour started, but it has aLOT of highlights through out the show!!! Click "HERE" to check out this awesome video!!!
Let me see......how many pictures I can get on here from throughout the season!! Let me see.......I'll post 'em until some news of some kind comes in..... lol.....
I don't know who this adorable picture belongs to........but I love that laugh he has so thank you THANK YOU to anonymous for this beautiful happy laughing photo, taken during his Homecoming!!! Wait.....I've thought about it and looked at the picture a little better and I think this was the KISS fm radio in Dallas interview!
Remember these??? Yes....these are some of Casey's earlier shots when we knew he had a good sense of humor!! And also when we realized we LOVED his hearty laugh!!!! You could hear him all over the place is what all the other Idols were claiming!!! :D Then of course we have week 2 when he did Gavin DeGraw's, 'I don't wanna be' and we all got our first glimpse of Casey.....the guitar genius!!! He blew all our socks off that week, because we weren't expecting him to WOW us by those standards!!! I was totally in awe....standing and cheering in my living room, like I was at a concert or something..... :D I'm glad he couldn't see me through that TV....eeeek
Hold on I'm Coming week!!! One of my all time favs!!!! And he was feeling better that week than any other before that on the show!! His performances had been so awesome to all of us new Casey fans, but this week, whew!!!!! He was really feeling good!!!!! And we could tell!!
Breaking News: Casey has tweeted us a nice little 'yellow note'......I knew he would, it was just a matter of time!!!!!
Can that boy be any sweeter!!!! He's our special gift from above......I just know it!!! :) I am so sooooo happy he's feeling better......bless his heart.....he has been run through the ringer this year!!!!!! I hope he don't have to put up with this kind of illness anymore in his future......geeezzz......it just makes me sad..... :( I want him to get healthy so he feels like doing what he loves the best.....playing music for all of us!!!! I think when he gets home next week, and just kicks back and throws his phone in a drawer.....he'll get that much needed rest he's been missing for the last 8 or 9 months!! I'm glad it's almost over for him!!!
Another little surprise for yall who don't twitter.....I noticed Casey had another little 'yellow note' and a couple pictures attached!!!! Yep, it's Daisey and Buster playing tug-o-war with a newly aquired little birdie!!!! How adorable are these two pooches......just precious!!!!!!!!
I believe the last two shots belong to either Karen R. or Kathy, and Thank you if I'm right, but if I'm wrong, thank you Anonymous!! Casey at his Homecoming at the Key's Lounge on 5-14-10
Well.....I guess thats all I can come up with tonight! It was quite a Flash from the Past Friday......but I didn't go back too far in time.......but I will try next time to show ya something from Casey......pre-Idol!! Ok, yall, it's been a good time, hopefully some goodies will come in from the last 3 shows soon.....friends......you know who you are......where those videos from St. Louis?!?! ;) Gnite all........
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