Thanks to Darla for the beautiful Texas sign
What a great time everybody had at Billy Bobs Texas!! It was Casey's CD release party and we were all ready for the party!! We started out at Cooper's BBQ across the street from BB's and had a nice dinner and conversation with all the fans! I had brought name tags, and I think most everybody got theirs. I was excited that my hubby, the son and his fiance got to come out for this big event! It was their first time to see Casey LIVE!! And I was excited about it!! It was good to see a lot of my Casey friends and fans there. I was trying to count up how many different states all the fans came from, and I gave up at 15. It was at least that many states, but I think maybe even more! And of course, we had our English friends from across the pond, the Brownriggs.
I know it looked very packed in Billy Bob's to me!
So everyone takes their seats and anticipation builds as it comes closer to the moment when Casey and the band will take the stage and blow us all away!! Suddenly screams rang out and they were walking on stage in the dim lights! But we knew every one by name as they each positioned themselves and their instruments in their spot on the stage. Then we saw him.....there he was, his golden tresses practically glowing as he took his place on the stage after picking up a guitar. Then the lights flashed on and the screams got louder as everyone welcomed Casey James back to the Billy Bob's Stage for a 2nd time!!! If you remember, his first time was last July 1st. He asked how we were doing and we couldn't be better!! I had a seat almost in the center, about 1/2 way down the table, about 6 or 7 seats away from the stage. I was close enough to see very well! He seemed very happy and excited about his album and reminded us a couple times, he had one now and it was also for sale at the merchandise booth. :)
I really liked what's Robert Philpot had to say about Casey's band..... "they're best as a unit, one that's so tight, it's almost like they have ESP"!! HaHa!! Thats exactly the way I feel about this instant band Casey came up with! :) If you want to read the whole review, click HERE.
Oh I'm sure they've been working on that album, learning every song exactly as it is, so as to reproduce it LIVE!! I remember hearing something about that....I believe Casey did say that to them. So, looks like they did it!! I love 'em, they are a perfect fit for Casey!!
Here is his setlist and the order in which he sang each one!
The Good Life
You Need Some Texas
She's Money
Crying on a Suitcase
So Sweet
The Apt. Song
Crazy Tonight
Working On It
So High
Let's Don't Call It A Night
Love the Way you Miss Me
Long Tall Texan
Polk Salad Annie
Then Casey said good night and he and the band exited the stage as the lights went down. Then.....after a few minutes of people slamming hands on the tables and stomping their feet, they all walked back on stage for a 4 song Encore!!!
Why I'm Feeling Blue
Done Made up My Mind
And what an encore it was!! So much energy was on that stage, and Casey gave us all he had that night!!! It was felt in every strum of his guitar, every toss of his head, and every note that he sang!!! It was all there, all adding up to a phenominal, one of a kind show from Casey James!! If you were fortunate enough to be in the audience, you know exactly what I'm talking about!! He was amazing!!! And so was his wonderful band!!
I'm always left with a feeling of wanting more....every time! :)
Here are some pictures and videos from that fantastic night!! This first one is the whole gang of us at Coopers before Casey's show. I'm so glad we got this picture, it's such a good one, and I think most of the fans are in it! Quite a good looking group. :)

Thanks to Barbara B. for her awesome shots!

Big Thanks to Sara M. for her very clear pictures!
Crying on a Suitcase
So Sweet
Crazy Tonight
Thanks to Donna C and Beth for their awesome videos! I will post more later.
After the show ended, and it ended with a big bang.....I headed as quickly as I could to the line to get in it so I could get a couple autographs for some international fans. Wow!!! The line was already very very long!! I thought....Oh my....I'll never get to him.... But planted myself at the end of it, determined I was gonna try. While standing there with Casey's present in a big 'ole bag and my purse, I struck up a conversation with two young girls that were just adorable!! Had the biggest crush on Casey!! :) So we talked and stood still for the most part and people seemed to be cutting in line, but I refused to complain, I was happy just to be in a line to see and talk to him for a minute. So me and these little gals are talking and I told them about this site and gave them the address to get here and my email. Well, they sent me some photos, and I want to share one with yall now! This is Brittini and Kelsey with me and my hubby Richard. He finally found me!! LoL!!! Thanks girls!! Yall were a ton of fun for this 'ole gal!! :)
Ok .....I gotta get out of here for now..... I will be back soon, I have to post some new shows for yall!! Don't want any of you Casey fans missing any shows!! Yall take care.....
Until next time.....